Romney Calls Colorado Shooting 'Hateful Act' as Campaigns Pause

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The campaigns for both President Obama and Mitt Romney suspended activity Friday following a massacre at a Colorado movie theater that left 12 dead and dozens wounded.

After delivering remarks calling the shooting “senseless” at a Florida event Friday morning, the president canceled the rest of his day's events, including one in Winter Park, Fla. Michelle Obama also canceled events planned in Virginia. The president planned to return to Washington after delivering his remarks, according to the campaign.

“Obviously, the events and the tragedy of last night have changed the nature of his remarks this morning, as well as the events of the day,” campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters Friday. The campaign did not say whether any further appearances would be cancelled over the weekend.

The Obama campaign is pulling down all anti-Romney advertisements in Colorado, according to Psaki.

Romney, speaking in Bow, N.H., called the shooting a "hateful act." "Our hearts break for the victims and their families," he said, and we pray that "those who are grieving will know the nearness of God." He said evil can be overcome with "goodness and compassion."

In an email, a spokeswoman for Romney’s campaign said all of Ann Romney’s events have been canceled, and the campaign is “pulling all ads in CO until further notice.” The campaign also said that a series of taped and live interviews, including one on Sean Hannity’s radio show, will not air today.

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