Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman, And Implications Beyond ‘Fastlane’ 2017

Roman Reigns to face Braun Strowman at Fastlane 2017
Roman Reigns to face Braun Strowman at Fastlane 2017

Roman Reigns. In today’s WWE landscape, one need only mention the name Roman Reigns and you’re bound to get one of two reactions: absolute devotion or utter disgust. It seems, one way or another, Roman Reigns has fashioned himself into the WWE superstar that many simply love to hate. There are those that say the WWE is pushing him too hard on the fans at large to make Roman Reigns the new face of the WWE — whether fans want it or not. Regardless of which side of the Roman Reigns fence you’re on, there is no denying the fact that Roman Reigns is one of the most polarizing, discussed figures in the modern era of WWE, and, in a way, that ongoing discussion can only generate more buzz in the end.

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