Rogue trader warning as scams cost Leicestershire victims £2.9m

Stock image of a roofer working.
Householders have been urged to refuse offers of unplanned work to their properties [Getty Images]

Trading Standards officials have issued a warning after victims of rogue traders in Leicestershire reported losing nearly £3m over the past 12 months.

Leicestershire County Council said it had received more than 200 complaints about cold call repair scams since May 2023.

On average, each victim lost £13,319, the council said.

It has urged people not to ask unexpected visiting traders to do work.

The council said doorstep offers for roofing, chimney work or driveway repairs were the most commonly-reported scams.

It said in many cases scammers claimed to have noticed non-existent damage then pressurised householders into paying for unnecessary repairs.

Deborah Taylor, the council's cabinet member for regulatory services, said: "Our trading standards team will act on complaints where there appears to be a pattern of unfair trading and fraud.

"Officers will undertake investigations where there is substantial loss to consumers.

"Let this be a warning to all cold callers offering home improvements who target vulnerable consumers."

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