Rogue Cell Phone Strikes Lincoln Center; Jared Kushner Got Clothes for His Birthday

Welcome to the Smart Set. Every morning we bring you the gossip coverage, filtered. Today: A ringing phone had patrons of the New York Philharmonic out for blood, Ashton Kutchers cleans up but forgets to lose his wedding ring, and New York Observer Jared Kushner gets not one but two lined thermal shirts in honor of turning 31.

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Somebody's cell phone went off during the New York Philharmonic's performance of Mahler's Ninth Symphony on Tuesday, setting of a chain of strange and hilarious events inside Avery Fisher Hall. First, conductor Alan Gilbert took the unusual step of stopping the performance once the ringing began. Gilbert traced the sound of Apple's most irritating ringtone, the Marimba, to the theater's first two rows of the theater where, according to The New York Times, patrons began pointing out the culprits to Gilbert. "They were staring at me resolutely," Gilbert recalled. Meanwhile, the crowd was getting restless and yelling "$1,000 dollar fine!" and "Get out!" Blogger Max Kinchen, who was in the room, wrote later that the crowd "wanted blood." The situation ended peacefully when the man was able to silence the phone after putting his hand in his jacket. "It was so weird," Gilbert said. "Did he think he could just bite his lip and solider. After apologizing, the conductor got back on stage, was heartily cheered, and resumed the performance. A spokesman for Lincoln Center, which houses Avery Fisher Hall, has already promised that "corrective action" could be taken against the rogue non-silencer. [Arts Beat]

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Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner celebrated The New York Observer publisher's birthday by doing the whole "intimate dinner" thing at Recette in the West Village. When it came time for presents, Trump presented Kushner with "two maroon Polo Ralph Lauren waffle shirts" and other, hopefully less practical gifts. [Page Six] 

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Ashton Kutcher finally got a post-breakup shave and a haircut for his Two and a Half Men TCA press confab. Good for him, because he's alarmingly scraggly since Demi Moore gave him the boot. Unfortunately, Kutcher also forgot to remove his wedding ring. So instead of looking like a gangly guy in a robe who really misses his wife, Kutcher now resembles a sharp, put-together guy in a jacket who really misses his wife. But you have to start somewhere. [E! Online]

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Members of the band No Doubt are blaming hackers for posting messages to their Twitter accounts early this morning endorsing Texas Rep. Ron Paul, and using phrases like "ronpaulrevolution." The tweets have since been removed, and band member Rise Against tweeted a particularly strong denial, stating: "We were hacked. As you would all assume, we DO NOT support Ron Paul." [Vulture]

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So it seems that before she got back together New York Yankees shortstop and cad-about-town Derek Jeter, Minka Kelly "declined" Jake Gyllenhaal's request for a date. First of all, who "declines" someone who asks them out? Either you go, or tell a lie about a sister or friend from college being in town, or mention how you have a standing obligation every night of the week for the next 25 years. Friends say Kelly "was trying to patch things up" with Jeter, even though he's reportedly the kind of guy who gives signed memorabilia to women he canoodles with.Gyllenhaal, for his part, was in Source Code this year, a terrific movie, and has only seemed vaguely caddish once, when he was dating Taylor Swift. [Us Weekly]

Movie producer Jon Peters, who parlayed a career as Barbra Streisand's hairdresser into a disastrous two-year stint as chairman of Sony Pictures, is being sued by a dog kennel for allegedly abandoning the two massive dogs he hired them to board. According to the lawsuit, Peters' ex-wife took the dogs -- a Dobberman and an Akita -- to California K-9 Boarding School in June of 2010 to stay while Peters was moving into a new house, with the understanding he'd be by to get them when he was settled. According to the lawsuit, the dogs were picked up -- 200 days after their arrival, and by Peters' assistant. And with that, the world now has another Jon Peters story to tell. [TMZ]