A Robot, Michael B. Oren, and Christina Aguilera

A Robot, Michael B. Oren, and Christina Aguilera

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: Young immigrants who can stay in the country will "not be eligible for health insurance coverage under President Obama’s health care overhaul" in a decision that has "infuriated many advocates." The robot Baxter from Rethink Robotics "is a significant bet that robots in the future will work directly with humans in the workplace." 

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World: Michael B. Oren, Israeli ambassador to the U.S., has the tough job of "representing a prime minister who has infuriated the White House." 

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U.S.: A historic courtroom in Mississippi faces closure as "a victim of its quietness and the fiscal urgencies of Washington." 

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New York: The breakfast room at the Loews Regency Hotel — a watering hole for New York's "political elite" — has to move. 

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Technology: After creators raise money on Kickstarter for projects, the follow through can be the hard part and "some projects, including several prominent and in-demand ones, have run into missteps and lengthy delays." 

Media & Advertising: The Internet Archive will, as of Tuesday, include "every morsel of news produced in the last three years by 20 different channels, encompassing more than 1,000 news series that have generated more than 350,000 separate programs devoted to news." 

Science: Scholars have published a 2,000-page dictionary of the Demotic language online

Sports: Jose Reyes got the "dubious milestone" of baseball's unofficial 500,000th error. 

Opinion: David Brooks on "Thurston Howell Romney" who he says is "running a depressingly inept presidential campaign." 

Music: Christina Aguilera, with her role on The Voice, "almost single-handedly reshaped music-competition reality programming." 

Art & Design: Edvard Munch's 1895 "The Scream" bought for $120 million in May will go on view at MoMA.