Robin Roberts, Death Stars, and Carp Dogs

Robin Roberts, Death Stars, and Carp Dogs

We respect and value the social media editors who share the links that make our job easier. But sometimes, we have no idea what they are talking about. So after a long day spent staring at Twitter, we're sharing our favorites.

Wild ride in Ferrari damages Great Wall of China |

— Businessweek (@BW) May 9, 2012

It's happened so many times in cartoon where the rambunctious animal protagonists visit China. China had to expect some real-life blowback.

The entire world is watching Robin Roberts right now

— HuffPost Media (@HuffPostMedia) May 9, 2012

Robin Roberts: bigger than season three of Moonlighting.

Should we build a Death Star?

— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) May 9, 2012 didn't wok for Darth Vader. And Reagan could never get his version off the ground. We're just saying: past history suggests Death Stars are fraught with potential complications

Is there a German word for 'chutzpah'? There should be:

— Slate (@Slate) May 9, 2012

Don't say the Slate boycott of Google Translate didn't have its costs. 

"If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em!" Would you try carp dogs?

— Field & Stream (@FieldandStream) May 9, 2012

If the carp was fresh, not flash frozen, and maybe lightly grilled before being impaled on a popsicle stick, then yes: we would eat a carp dog. Gladly.

So like us: These 8-year-old twins go ape over their iPads. The older orangutans could care less.

— AJC(@ajc) May 9, 2012

Older orangutans demand to know if you can get email on that thing, repeatedly ask, "Now is this an app?"