Robert Levine: Mary Tyler Moore’s Husband Remained By Her Side But Out Of The Spotlight

Robert Levine: Mary Tyler Moore's Husband Remained By Her Side But Out Of The Spotlight
Robert Levine: Mary Tyler Moore's Husband Remained By Her Side But Out Of The Spotlight

Robert Levine has been known to the world as Mary Tyler Moore’s husband for the last 34 years, one who offered the beloved television star comfort and support while himself staying out of the spotlight.

Moore’s death on Wednesday has brought support from across the world of entertainment, with many co-stars offering their warm remembrances of the star of the Mary Tyler Moore show.

But Robert Levine has been mostly quiet, just as he has for the three decades of the couple’s marriage. In the hours after Moore’s death, her long-time representative released a statement (via Romper) confirming the news. It made a brief mention of Levine, but otherwise, the 65-year-old doctor offered no statement of his own.

“Today, beloved icon, Mary Tyler Moore, passed away at the age of 80 in the company of friends and her loving husband of over 33 years, Dr. S. Robert Levine. A groundbreaking actress, producer, and passionate advocate for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Mary will be remembered as a fearless visionary who turned the world on with her smile.”

Moore’s death has brought more attention to Robert Levine, with stories about his background and sharing some of the few pictures of the couple together on the red carpet. But Levine himself was not seen publicly after his wife’s death.