Ro Khanna passed on the 2024 CA Senate race and instead endorsed one of his heroes. Here's why

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WASHINGTON – Ro Khanna kicked off his first congressional campaign nearly two decades ago, inspired by the advocacy of one sitting California lawmaker: Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee.

“Barbara Lee has been a hero of mine,” he said.

Khanna endorsed Lee last month after rumors the 46-year-old Democrat would consider launching a campaign of his own.

His support for the congresswoman gained attention recently after he called for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the longest-serving senator from California, to resign. Feinstein previously announced she would retire at the end of 2024, setting off the most competitive California Senate race in decades.

Khanna threw his support behind Lee— one of three Democratic candidates, all colleagues, vying for the Senate seat currently held by 89-year-old Feinstein. The crowded Democratic field also includes California Reps. Adam Schiff and Katie Porter.  

Why Khanna wants to stay in the House

For Khanna, the place to be is in the lower chamber. His decision follows the midterm elections after dozens of progressive House candidates won their races — like Reps. Maxwell Frost of Florida and Summer Lee of Pennsylvania— despite Republicans gaining a narrow majority.

“I think the progressive energy is in the House,” he told USA TODAY. “... and I think I can have an impact on bold policy from the House."

The Congressional Progressive Caucus, where Khanna serves as a deputy whip, is the largest it’s been in history, adding 16 freshmen lawmakers for a total of 103 members in the 118th Congress. The caucus seeks to advance left-leaning policies and build on diversity. The current executive board is half comprised of women and over 70 percent of its members are people of color or identify as LGBTQ+.

To Khanna, the House is simply the “most exciting place," he said.

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Why Khanna supports Lee

Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif speaks at a news conference at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022.
Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif speaks at a news conference at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022.

The four-term congressman said Lee’s anti-war advocacy inspired him to first run for Congress. She stood out in 2001 as the lone member of the House to oppose a measure that gave the president authority to strike against any nation or group involved in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Her anti-war platform is one Khanna mimicked when launching his first campaign for the House in 2004— the first anti-Iraq primary campaign in the country, he says. He lost in the primary to the incumbent, Democratic Rep. Tom Lantos.  

“I got crushed but I’m very proud of that effort to stand up against the Iraq War and I saw Barbara Lee’s example in helping inspire me,” he said.

Khanna will be serving as co-chair of her 2024 Senate campaign. In this role, he said he will focus on consolidating northern California voters, conducting outreach to communities of color and connecting with progressive voters who back Democratic Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Khanna is popular among Sanders’ supporters after serving as national co-chair for the Sanders’ presidential campaign during his 2020 bid.

Why Khanna's endorsement matters

Lee, who serves alongside Khanna on the Congressional Progressive Caucus as one of three chair emeriti, told USA TODAY Khanna’s endorsement is important to consolidating the progressive base. Khanna is a leader among the progressive party and well respected in California and throughout the country, she said.

"I was very honored to receive his endorsement and it's helping us in a very powerful way I believe, here in California, to talk to voters and to communicate to populations of voters that he really resonates with," Lee said.

Lee said her campaign will focus on championing issues that affect voters' lives such as income inequality, climate change, public safety and the California housing crisis.

California Senate race: Rep. Barbara Lee launches campaign for retiring Feinstein's seat

More: Rep. Katie Porter is running for Sen. Dianne Feinstein's seat in California

Pushing for progressives on Biden's board

April 3, 2023; Washington, DC, USA; April 3, 2023; Washington, DC, USA. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) poses for a portrait at Spirit of Justice Park near the U.S. Capitol building Monday, April 3, 2023.. Mandatory Credit: Josh Morgan-USA TODAY
April 3, 2023; Washington, DC, USA; April 3, 2023; Washington, DC, USA. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) poses for a portrait at Spirit of Justice Park near the U.S. Capitol building Monday, April 3, 2023.. Mandatory Credit: Josh Morgan-USA TODAY

While campaigning for Lee, Khanna will also be serving on President Joe Biden’s newly-formed “national advisory board." Khanna said he will be one of 20 lawmakers from around the country who will make the case for Biden’s agenda ahead of the 2024 elections.

"I’m very honored to be on that," he said. "I’m going to be surrogating for the president."

As a surrogate, Khanna said he will be focusing on amplifying Biden's efforts to bring back manufacturing jobs while making the case that the president is pushing for economic revitalization throughout the Midwest and the South.

Khanna has pushed for progressive policies throughout his career in public service from his time as the deputy assistant secretary in the Department of Commerce under former President Barack Obama to now representing constituents in Silicon Valley in a district outside the San Francisco Bay Area.

Born in Philadelphia, Khanna has spent years focusing on American manufacturing and technology, serving as the lead sponsor for the Endless Frontier Act in 2021, legislation that focused on investing in scientific and technological innovation. Khanna also authored the CHIPS and Science Act, which Biden signed into law in 2022 to enhance manufacturing.

“We need to tell that story of economic revitalization,” Khanna said.

More: House Dems Ro Khanna, Dean Phillips call on Sen. Dianne Feinstein to resign

CA Senate race: Rep. Adam Schiff, who led first Trump impeachment, seeking CA Senate seat held by Feinstein

How will Dems set themselves apart in California?

Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., questions witnesses during a hearing of a special House committee dedicated to countering China, on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) ORG XMIT: DCAB387
Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., questions witnesses during a hearing of a special House committee dedicated to countering China, on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) ORG XMIT: DCAB387

Khanna said the biggest challenge for Democrats running in the 2024 Senate race is how the three will “get people’s attention” in the largest state in the country.

“People care more probably about the Hollywood celebrities and the tech celebrities than about politics,” he said.

The California congressman said he anticipates that other members of the progressive caucus will rally around Lee, stressing she is the only person of color running in the race.

“Being an African American woman is going to matter at a time that there’s not a single African American woman in the United States Senate,” Khanna said.

To Khanna, Lee stands out among the crowded Democratic field because of her “staunch record on matters of war and peace.”

"We've got three excellent people running in the Senate. They're all colleagues of mine. They all have their own strengths," Khanna said. "I just think Barbara Lee's track record, her historic candidacy and her advocacy as an anti-war candidate really sets her apart."

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Rep. Ro Khanna backs Rep. Barbara Lee instead of running for CA Senate