The rise of the wedding crèche and three other unusual wedding suppliers you never you knew you needed

The wedding suppliers you never knew you needed - This content is subject to copyright.
The wedding suppliers you never knew you needed - This content is subject to copyright.

The UK wedding industry is big business.

In fact, with the average cost of a British wedding rising to nearly £27,000 in 2017, it's no surprise that countless companies are cashing in.

And the list of suppliers required to make a big day go with a bang just keeps getting longer. You'll need a venue, a caterer, a photographer, a band, a florist, a registrar, invitations and maybe even a wedding planner to arrange everything for you.

Add to those more traditional elements the recent trend for photo booth hire, fireworks, food trucks, quirky favours and alternative entertainment and it's easy to see how this is one industry that just keeps finding ways to grow. 

You'd think there weren't any more angles left to work. But you'd be wrong.

So if you're in the middle of planning your wedding, you might want to add the following, slightly more unusual, suppliers to your organisational spreadsheet.

A wedding crèche 

The subject of whether children are invited to a wedding is a touchy one. Many couples would prefer to keep their nuptials and reception child-free so their celebrations aren't interrupted by crying infants. But, of course, leaving children off the guest list can cause offence.

And it's not like a 'no children' policy can be issued to only some guests. You can't include your adorable niece if your friend's boisterous toddler can't also join in, so it's all or nothing.

Would you provide childcare at your wedding? - Credit: Marc Debnam/Getty Images
Would you provide childcare at your wedding? Credit: Marc Debnam/Getty Images

Hence, the rise of a new £4 million industry; the wedding crèche supplier. And it's one that's growing in popularity at such a rate that according to, the UK’s largest online childcare platform connecting parents with childcare providers, there's been a 168 per cent increase in demand for wedding crèche services over the last two years. 

"We first saw a spike in requests for wedding crèches in March 2016 and have seen a steady year on year increase during the traditional wedding season of April to October," says Richard Conway, founder of the website. "Nannies who offer the service through the site say the main reason for the increase is couples having children before marriage, whilst another was couples wanting to have children at their wedding but not wanting the hassle."

Conway says the number of nannies offering the service has more than doubled and while their charges are mainly toddlers, they've been hired to look after three month old babies as well as young teenagers.

And even the new Duke and Duchess of  Sussex provided some respite from the formality of proceedings for their mini bridesmaids and pageboys, treating them to a children's entertainer at the afternoon reception.

So with the design details of the royal wedding sure to influence engaged couples for the next few years (many a boat neck dress and buttercream cake will no doubt be spotted at weddings near you soon), it might be on-site childcare that takes the crown. Or vintage tiara.

A professional bridesmaid

You'd think that employing someone to be one of your bridesmaids would be a fairly depressing prospect. But not so for many women who now seek the help of a professional best friend on the biggest day of their lives.

In fact, Tiffany Wright, 34, has created a profitable sideline career with her company The Undercover Bridesmaid. In the nearly two years since she opened for business she has acted as a surrogate bridesmaid for over 30 brides. And while her services include online consultations and pre-wedding admin, she's very different from a traditional wedding planner.

"I’m there just specifically for the bride," explains Wright. "I don’t care about anyone else. I’m a bit like their therapist if they have a meltdown, a bridal PA. I do all the boring bits like making sure the invites are sent out or arranging the seating plan and a lot of what I do is bridesmaid management."

Tiffany Wright in her role as an undercover bridesmaid - Credit: Tiffany Wright/Tiffany Wright
Tiffany Wright in her role as an undercover bridesmaid Credit: Tiffany Wright/Tiffany Wright

But for around a third of her clients she will actually inhabit the role of bridesmaid at their wedding. She wears the dress, walks down the aisle, steps in to solve any crises, even developing a whole back story to explain why she's the bride's best friend no one has ever heard of. 

"I have to learn everything about this bride so I can convince people I’m her long lost friend and that I'm worthy of being a bridesmaid," she says. "I’ve definitely had some suspicious maids of honour."

So why do these women need her? Why will they go to such lengths to employ her, but keep her a secret? Wright explains that the popularity of expensive destination weddings means many brides find themselves without their close friends by their side. "A lot of my brides are finding that their friends can’t afford to come out to the wedding," she says. "They need the help and feel a bit lonely and abandoned because their friends haven’t been able to come." 

Then there are brides who feel uncomfortable issuing instructions to their bridesmaids, so hiring Wright means they can delegate all the dirty work without feeling bad about it. And it seems no request is too big, which must also be an attraction for the true bridezilla.

"I’ve got one bride at the moment who is trying to convince me to dye my hair brown for her wedding," laughs Wright. "The rest of her bridesmaids are all brunettes and she thinks it’s going to look better in the photos. I had to say to her, 'of course I will, but you’re going to have to pay for my hair to be highlighted back because I’m definitely not a brunette'."

Asking a friend to do a dye job would be insane, of course. But asking someone who you've employed begins to feel reasonable.

But despite the crazy requests and late night emails, Wright says every single one of her clients has become a genuine friend and they stay in touch long after the honeymoon. "The main bit of my role is being a shoulder to cry on," she says. "So we become exceptionally close."

A professional best man

It's not just the brides who need a bit of extra help. More and more grooms are paying Ewan Jones to be their best man.

So popular has his business, Hire A Best Man become with both grooms and best men, that he even employs other professional gents to work on days when he has multiple bookings. Depending on what you need, Jones can do a quick proof read of your  speech, write the whole thing for you, offer coaching for a slick delivery, organise the stag do and in some cases he'll stand by your side on the day itself.

This premium package will see Jones, or one of his dapper employees, corralling the ushers, looking after the rings and crucially, delivering a fantastic speech which will not only be personal and funny, but will be delivered without a hitch. And yes, they'll do it without ever giving the game away. 

And as with Tiffany Wright's clients who book her to be a bridesmaid, there are various reasons why grooms turn to Jones for help. Sometimes they struggle socially so don't have a best friend to appoint to the important role of best man. For others, they're relatively new to the country and haven't yet had a chance to make close friends, while some grooms just don't trust their mates to do it properly...

We hear you.

A wedding hashtag creator

Yes. It's a thing.

We guarantee you've seen it on Instagram and Twitter over the last few years. Brides and grooms come up with a hashtag specifically for their wedding, which is then used by friends and family to tag their pictures of the big day on social media. Think #smithjoneswedding or #harrymarriesmeghan.

But why come up with some lame combination of your names and the word 'wedding' when you can pay someone to generate a cooler hashtag for you instead?

Marielle Wakim is the founder of Happily Ever #Hashtagged, and the creator of over 1600 wedding related hashtags since its launch in November 2016. "I decided to launch it on a whim," she explains. "I was invited to 16 weddings in 2016 and nearly all of those couples asked for help in coming up with their hashtags. Since so many of them seemed to need an assist, it made me think there could be a business here."

Marielle Wakim will create a personalised hashtag for your special day - Credit: Katie Kett Photography/Marielle Wakim
Marielle Wakim will create a personalised hashtag for your special day Credit: Katie Kett Photography/Marielle Wakim

It may sound niche but Wakim has tapped into a major cultural trend. "Social media has become so integral to the celebration process," she explains. "Friends and family want to take pictures at your wedding, and they want to share them because it makes them feel deeply connected to your special day." And she points out that many couples want to see all the shots their professional photographer missed, so a hashtag works as a sorting mechanism, ensuring they get a 360 degree picture of their wedding.

"On top of that, it's yet another extension of a couple's personality," Wakim says. "Which is why I think people gravitate toward the punny, personalised hashtag. Like the cake or flowers, they want everything to be tailor-made to them."

So has she ever struggled to come up with something original?

"Some orders definitely pose a challenge depending on specific requests," she says. "If they want a Disney-themed hashtag, say, or one that incorporates specific song lyrics, but I'm happy to report I haven't been stumped yet."