RIP Google Keyword Tool – What to Use Instead

No need pop the bubbly for this retirement: Yet another beloved Google Tool has been axed in its prime, (anyone remember Google Reader?). The Google Keyword Tool has long been the standard for anyone in the SEO, SEM or content spaces, but early this week we received news that Google pulled the plug on the Keyword Tool. If you still want access to Google’s keyword data, you have the option to sign up for an Adwords account to use the new Google Adwords Keyword Planner. Google has a nice post that explains the differences between the two tools.

If you feel at a loss, don’t worry, we’ve got your back. The good guys at Internet Marketing Ninjas compiled a deep list of “12 Free Keyword Tools to Replace Google’s Keyword Tool.”

Here are our top three favorites:

1. Ubersuggest – This is a keyword powerhouse. Plug in a few relevant words (for your business) and Ubersuggest will give you hundreds of results.

2. SEMRush – This is a great replacement for larger sized businesses that were “power users” of the Google Keyword Tool. SEMRush provides a huge amount of organic data from both Google and Bing. They provide competitive results and even CPC data for the SEM folks out there.

3. Bing Webmaster Toolbox - Don’t forget about Bing, “the other search engine.” They provide the same type of data, but simply just for Bing. The numbers might be smaller, but the trends will be the same.

We’re sad to see the Keyword Tool go, but there are plenty of great tools to keep you on top of your keyword game. As Bob Dylan sang, “the times they are a-changin‘” and we’re keeping track so you don’t have to. Stay tuned to the VR Marketing Blog for more on Google and Bing’s changes in the future!

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