Rio's cat cafe for a good cause

This cafe combines coffee and cats

Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Cat cafes are popular in Asia

But the Gato Cafe has a unique focus

It also functions as an adoption site for abandoned cats

(SOUNDBITE) (Portuguese) CREATOR OF GATO CAFE, GIOVANNA MOLINARO, SAYING:"They (cats) are the best co-workers in the world, just by entering the cat area you can already perceive a different vibe. Firstly, cats have incredible energy, secondly, I can say they give back everything they get."

Some animals were abandoned after their owners died

Others have had to fend for themselves

(SOUNDBITE) (Portuguese) CUSTOMER OF GATO CAFE, CLARISSA HAIUT, SAYING: "When I got here and looked at this place, I couldn't even believe it existed. I'm in paradise with all of these cats. I'm in love with them! It feels like I'm living in a dream full of kittens.''