Rick Santorum's Nephew Comes Out as a Ron Paul Supporter

Rick Santorum's nephew, 19-year-old University of Pittsburgh student John Garver, wrote an op-ed in The Daily Caller today urging readers to vote for, who else, Ron Paul. We wouldn't say his rhetoric exactly makes this one of the five best columns we've read today, but we find his urge to publicly, vehemently support Paul on the internet rather indicative of just how passionate Paul's typically young, web-savvy following can get: His uncle is actively running against Paul in Iowa this very moment, but Garver couldn't just stay quiet for the sake of a peaceful Thanksgiving dinner in 2012 or even just comment voluminously on web articles like his fellow Paul-supporters. Garver writes that he's drawn to Paul for his defense of personal liberty and isolationist (Update: Paul prefers "non-interventionist") foreign policy, writing, "My uncle’s interventionist policies, both domestic and foreign, stem from his irrational fear of freedom not working." There's not much to indicate just how close he is with his uncle (we're guessing not very...) but a disclaimer at the bottom notes that he "is a strong supporter of Ron Paul despite his love for family member Rick Santorum." Great, well that should smooth over any potential tensions at the next family reunion, eh?