Rick Santorum Doesn't Have 'Smart People' on his Side

Rick Santorum said Saturday the media and, "elite, smart people," never side with the Republican party, during the same speech that he said President Obama shares part of the blame for the international riots over an anti-Islam film. 

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Speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, Buzzfeed's Rosie Gray reports the former senator joined the increasingly common 'blame the media' GOP chorus. "We will never have the media on our side, ever, in this country," Santorum said. "We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." Santorum's theory on media is as follows: 

"If just a few people make decisions about what this world looks like, what this country looks like, then you have people sitting in offices at major media outlets and Hollywood who think they can deal with a small group of people, to get them to jump through the hoops they want you to," Santorum said.

Santorum also said the President shared some of the blame for the international outrage over the anti-Islamic film that's sparked riots as far as Australia. "This president has to take a share of the responsibility for what the Middle East looks like today because he helped structure it," he said. Santorum said the President "turned his back" on former allies like Israel, despite Obama's make-up phone call to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week.