RHOC's Vicki Gunvalson Starts Cancer Charity Following Brooks Ayers' Fabrication Controversy

Vicki Gunvalson spent the entire last season on The Real Housewives of Orange County defending her now ex-boyfriend Brooks Ayers from her castmates' allegations that he was faking cancer. And while Ayers eventually admitted that he had fabricated cancer documents in an attempt to prove his diagnosis, Gunvalson maintains that she had no knowledge of the lie.

But that doesn't mean she running away from "the big C."

The 54-year-old "O.G. of the O.C." announced on Monday's all-new episode that she was joining forces with a longtime friend to start a cancer charity called Kill All Cancer.

"Cancer obviously was very relevant in my life last year," Gunvalson revealed. "People tried to label me as in on a whole fake cancer scheme. What are they going to do? Criticize me for opening a charity to try and help find a cure?"

She continued: "Working with a cancer charity will prove the naysayers out there who said I was in on something or that I lied that I've got nothing to hide. Period."

RHOC's Vicki Gunvalson Starts Cancer Charity Following Brooks Ayers' Fabrication Controversy| Cancer, The Real Housewives of Orange County, The Real Housewives of..., People Picks, TV News, Vicki Gunvalson, Tamra Barney
RHOC's Vicki Gunvalson Starts Cancer Charity Following Brooks Ayers' Fabrication Controversy| Cancer, The Real Housewives of Orange County, The Real Housewives of..., People Picks, TV News, Vicki Gunvalson, Tamra Barney

The charity will have an insurance component built behind it as well – which her partner JR explained would be "for people who already have cancer." He said the site would allow people who have cancer learn what their insurance would get them.

It's an integration that's a win-win for Gunvalson. Already a successful insurance saleswoman, she says the charity will have an insurance sales component to it as well.

"This 'Kill All Cancer' policy will be something people will buy, and then if they ever got sick, this will help people get back on their feet again," she said. "This is up my wheelhouse – I'm all about insurance, I'm all about charities, so I'm all in."

But while Gunvalson was enthusiastic about getting involved in the new venture and starring in its commercial, she was less excited about revisiting her involvement in the cancer controversy surrounding Ayers. In fact, when challenged, she still refused to say whether Ayers was faking his cancer diagnosis.

Despite admitting in November 2015 that he had forged documents to make it appear he had been a patient at cancer hospital City of Hope, Ayers maintains he was diagnosed with stage 3 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2013.

RHOC's Vicki Gunvalson Starts Cancer Charity Following Brooks Ayers' Fabrication Controversy| Cancer, The Real Housewives of Orange County, The Real Housewives of..., People Picks, TV News, Vicki Gunvalson, Tamra Barney
RHOC's Vicki Gunvalson Starts Cancer Charity Following Brooks Ayers' Fabrication Controversy| Cancer, The Real Housewives of Orange County, The Real Housewives of..., People Picks, TV News, Vicki Gunvalson, Tamra Barney

Gunvalson told the commercial's director all about their past together.

"There was a gentleman I was dating for five years," she said of Ayers. "He had come off of having cancer. Then about a year-and-a-half ago, he got re-diagnosed. My girls started saying then he was faking it. So he broke up with me. He showed false records to get everybody to shut up and it only got the train going faster."

When asked whether or not Ayers had cancer, Gunvalson stayed mum. "I don't know other than what I saw," she said. "I saw him sick. I saw him getting the bone aspiration. I saw him at the hospital. So I only know what I saw."

Her son, Michael, was there to challenge her – he pointed out that Gunvalson hadn't seen Ayers as she had previously admitted to staying in the waiting room the whole time.

"Well, I stayed in the waiting room, correct," she shot back. "But I saw the bone aspiration done after he got home. He had the hole in his hip."

RHOC's Vicki Gunvalson Starts Cancer Charity Following Brooks Ayers' Fabrication Controversy| Cancer, The Real Housewives of Orange County, The Real Housewives of..., People Picks, TV News, Vicki Gunvalson, Tamra Barney
RHOC's Vicki Gunvalson Starts Cancer Charity Following Brooks Ayers' Fabrication Controversy| Cancer, The Real Housewives of Orange County, The Real Housewives of..., People Picks, TV News, Vicki Gunvalson, Tamra Barney

Michael didn't buy it. "I don't really care – I just think he was faking it," he said. "Everyone thinks he did not have cancer. She's pretty much the only one who thinks he had cancer."

Eventually, even he admitted that Kill All Cancer was a good move for Gunvalson. "There was a slight mistake – not necessarily by you – but you can make up for the mistake," he said.

JR agreed. "I know that right now, there's maybe some anger and resentment or whatever," he said. "Let's think of of it like this – it is what it is, it already happened, and she didn't do anything at all. You can have haters. But when you continuously do the next right thing and you're continuously helping people, how long can they hate for?"

On the charity's website, Kill All Cancer does not yet have an insurance component available. Instead, it says "Raising money via bracelet sales is the main driver of funds." (The pricing for each bracelet is not listed on the site.)

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"We will run the organization with all volunteers and there will be no salaries paid by any charitable contributions," the site's About Us section reads. "A separate foundation will be created to hold & disperse (sic) funds. KillAllCancer.com will only donate to those meeting specific guidelines i.e. overwhelming majority of their funds must go to the intended people or purpose! Inspiration, support & an international network of supporters will bring all of the reputable and above board charities under our umbrella for strategic partnerships, fundraisers & as beneficiaries of the monies that are donated to us. The transparent charity component is a real game changer. We will show every dollar raised, every dollar spent & how it was used. This is a charity, not a business."

Gunvalson reiterates that message throughout a video for the charity on its website.

"I want you to know every dollar raised on KillAllCancer.com goes straight to bringing the awareness to charities involved in the fight against cancer," she says. "We're introducing a transparent charity which shows the allocation of every dollar. Kill All Cancer is committed in supporting the fight against cancer. Take part right now by buying a bracelet. Just go to KAC to order it and see how many people have been helped."

"Until we find a cure, we need to fight together," she concludes in the video. "KillAllCancer.com. It's where real awareness is raised."

The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Mondays (9 p.m. ET) on Bravo.