RFK Jr.’s head of Black voter outreach says a Trump victory is all good with her

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At this point, anyone denying the MAGA DNA running through Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential bid is being willfully ignorant.

There now have been multiple reports of staffers who hold Donald Trump in high regard working for Kennedy’s campaign.

There’s the story of the now-former campaign official who reportedly said that getting Kennedy on the ballot in New York state could help Trump. Then there’s the story of the right-wing social media influencer working for Kennedy’s campaign who appears to have been at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Now there’s Angela Stanton King, a right-wing conspiracy theorist who tried to sway Black voters toward Trump in 2020. She’s now working as Kennedy’s director of Black voter outreach.

Sounds like a pretty seamless transition, if I do say so. And it seems like Stanton King agrees.

Media Matters unearthed an appearance Stanton King made on a far-right podcast in April, in which she spoke glowingly about a “Trump-Kennedy ticket.”

“For me, it’s the winning ticket,” she said. “Like, I don’t lose either way, right? If Trump or Kennedy gets it, I don’t lose either way.”

Pretty odd coming from a Kennedy campaign staffer, no?

Stanton King also pushed Trump’s false claims of election fraud in 2020, saying Trump’s crowd sizes made her suspicious.

“How in the world was Joe Biden able to win or steal or whatever an election from Trump?” she said.

She also suggested that Trump could bring Kennedy into his administration as the “director of health administration,” a truly horrifying prospect that, again, showed her optimism about a potential Trump victory in November.

Her framing of the election as a fight against Democrats is yet more evidence that Kennedy’s campaign is a poorly disguised pro-MAGA operation.

“It’s us against the Democrats, either way it goes,” Stanton King said. “It’s the Republicans and independents against the Democrat Party. And we’ve gotta all unite.”

This article was originally published on MSNBC.com