
Rex, Rob Ryan involved in Nashville bar fight, because of course they are

You can take your Mannings and your Rooneys, your Longs and your Matthews, and throw ’em all in the ocean, because the best NFL family is, and will always be, the Ryans. Buddy alone was an immortal, the crustiest coach in history, and now his sons Rex and Rob are belly-flopping their way through life in a way we can all admire.

At the moment, the currently unemployed coaches are in Nashville enjoying the Stanley Cup Final. And apparently, someone was enjoying themselves a bit too much, as video outside the Nashville outlet of Margaritaville captured on Sunday (a touch of explicit language for those with tender ears):

So much to love about this video. Rob is wearing a Clemson T-shirt while Rex is sporting a Bryce Harper jersey. Rob is singlehandedly holding off a couple dudes while Rex is trying to fight his way through a couple feisty bros. Rex is headed for a commenting gig on ESPN, while Rob appears to have a vibrant future ahead as a franchise restaurant bouncer, if he so chooses.

Jay Busbee is a writer for Yahoo Sports and the author of EARNHARDT NATION, on sale now at Amazon or wherever books are sold. Contact him at or find him on Twitter or on Facebook.