Revealing the secret lives of Big Cats

A swamp tiger filmed in in the mangroves of the Sundarbans - WARNING: Use of this copyright image is subject to the terms of use of BBC Pictures' Digital Picture
A swamp tiger filmed in in the mangroves of the Sundarbans - WARNING: Use of this copyright image is subject to the terms of use of BBC Pictures' Digital Picture

The first time Professor Alan Wilson ever saw a cheetah running at full pelt was a gated enclosure in London Zoo.

It was eight years ago and Wilson, a professor of biomechanics and vet by training, was helping a student undertake PhD research into the movements of the fastest land animal on earth, which can reach speeds of up to 65mph.

“It was just so lovely to see these animals moving so quickly and yet apparently so effortlessly,” he recalls.

Despite the prosaic surroundings, the experience changed his life. Nowadays the 53-year-old Glaswegian, who is married with four children, is one of the world’s foremost scientists studying cheetah movements in the wild. 

He spends large parts of the year in Botswana’s Okavango Delta mapping the cheetahs that roam there. With the aid of his research team, he has even built a small single-engined plane from scratch and taught himself to fly in order to better follow the beasts.

Professor Alan Wilson with the plane he built to monitor cheetahs - Credit: BBC
Professor Alan Wilson with the plane he built to monitor cheetahs Credit: BBC

Since 2011 Wilson estimates he has followed around 500 cheetah hunts, using collar tags to record movement data 300 times in a single second. 

Among the findings he has made is that cheetahs possess an acceleration power four times faster than Usain Bolt during one of his world record breaking sprints, and that it is grip and manoeuverability - rather than top speed alone - that is so key to their success. 

“They are beautiful animals and just much more talented than we have ever imagined,” he says. “The animals look wonderfully smooth but you realise the muscles are doing massive amounts of work.”

For millennia big cats have been a source of fear and fascination for humans. Their complex social structures, raw power, breeding habits and vast hunting territories all render the world’s top predators enthralling to us – and yet so much about their lives remains unknown.

A new three-part BBC series, Big Cats, in which Professor Wilson’s work is featured, aims to coax these elusive animals out of the shadows.

Desert lions in the harsh Namib Desert - Credit: Will Steenkamp/BBC
Desert lions in the harsh Namib Desert Credit: Will Steenkamp/BBC

Filmed over two years in 14 countries, the crew from the BBC’s Natural History Unit managed to capture an unprecedented 33 out of the 40 species of the cat family: from man-eating swamp tigers in the mangroves of the Sundarbans in the Bay of Bengal to the ghostly Canadian Lynx. 

Through using the expertise of scientists in the field, the crew secured numerous world exclusives including filming the Pallas’s cat (also called the Manul) for the first time in the wild - picture the flat-eared children’s character Bagpuss, and you are not far off. 

A similarly rare image of the swamp tiger was captured after spending some 600 hours in a boat, cruising between the mangroves to look for paw prints in the mud.

By consulting with Professor Wilson and using a remote controlled buggy equipped with a super slow motion camera, the crew also recorded the closest tracking shots ever made of a cheetah on the run.

A cheetah on the hunt - Credit: BBC
A cheetah on the hunt Credit: BBC

Big Cats is overseen by the natural history unit’s creative director Mike Gunton, who has been behind some of its most famous series of the modern era – most recently Planet Earth II

“When you talk about the really big cats you are mesmerised by them,” he says. “You are utterly seduced by their beauty and confidence and yet in the back of your mind you think to yourself, ‘this thing could kill and eat me without even thinking about it’. The greatest primeval fear people have is being eaten by a predator.”

The greatest primeval fear people have is being eaten by a predator

Mike Gunton

Unsurprisingly, given the close proximity to these fearsome predators, there were hairy moments during filming. 

Series producer Gavin Boyland recalls one particular shoot in Patagonia where the crew spent weeks camped out during two separate visits to capture for the first time pumas eating magellanic penguins as they come ashore to nest. 

One evening, he says, a crew member bumped into a puma at night with a penguin in its mouth - but didn’t have a camera at hand to film. On another occasion, a team were walking back to camp at night and realised they were being stalked by a puma 20m or so behind them. “They tried to change direction but it followed them for about 15 minutes,” he says.

“There is always an element of risk when filming cats but that is what it makes it so exciting. There is this predator, prey fascination.”

For Mike Gunton though, it is the smaller, lesser known cats that prove the objects of greatest fascination in the series. In particular, he cites the Pallas’s cat – which lives in the grasslands of Mongolia and hunts by freezing stock still and pretending to be a rock as it sneaks up on prey. 

The crew also filmed another little known member of the feline family and the smallest – the rusty-spotted cat. Eventually, they managed to film a young male in a remote rainforest reserve in Sri Lanka. 

A rusty spotted cat in Sri Lanka - Credit: Vimukthi Weeratunga/BBC
A rusty spotted cat in Sri Lanka Credit: Vimukthi Weeratunga/BBC

“I had no idea that cat even existed and it is just so gorgeous,” Gunton says. “Even being the size of a guinea pig he still has that cat personality which marks every cat out.”

It is striking when looking at the entire cat family that half are considered endangered – some seriously so. Habitat loss is perhaps the most pressing problem, with big cats by their nature requiring vast spaces to roam.

It was at the end of 2016 that the Zoological Society of London and Wildlife Conservation Society published a landmark report warning urgent action was required to stop the cheetah becoming extinct. Just 7,100 animals remain in the wild, occupying a mere nine per cent of their former range - one year on, and the news looks similarly bleak.

However there are some stories of hope which have resonance not just for the 40 species of cat, but threatened animals the world over.

Last month, the Telegraph reported how the Siberian tiger, the world’s largest big cat, had nearly doubled in population size in 20 years due to concerted conservation efforts in the far east of Russia. 

Factbox | Amur tiger

The return of the Iberian Lynx – another species filmed in Big Cats – is a similar success story of an animal being bought back from the brink. Just five years ago, the lynx was considered the rarest cat on the planet and, due to an ongoing programme of breeding and releasing in the wild, numbers are now increasing.

Perhaps more than any animal, Gunton says, big cats cannot simply be confined to nature reserves and as a result, the onus is on us to learn how to live alongside these predators. 

He cites one sequence in the series – filmed by night vision camera and thermal scopes – of the serval (a spotted wildcat nearly a metre long) which is thriving in the land surrounding Africa’s largest industrial complex near the South African town of Secunda. 

Even being so close to heavy industry and a setting Gunton says wouldn’t look out of place in the dystopian film Bladerunner, the site has now become home to the largest population density of serval in the world simply because they are being left to their own devices.

“What they need is wild spaces and of all animals, cats are the most acutely demanding of that space,” Gunton says.  

If we create the right conditions for animals at the top of the food chain, then, so much else falls into place.

Big Cats is on Thursday 11 Jan on BBC One at 8pm