Retry review

Retry is a Flappy-Bird-style game that challenges you to guide your plane through various levels by avoiding obstacles, all while you try to collect as many coins as you can.


Manageable controls: The controls are easy to control, as they only involve tapping the screen to keep your plane going up and just stopping to allow the plane to descend.

Levels and Achievements: Also unlike many similar games, this one offers a variety of levels to work your way through. And you can also measure your progress by racking up Achievements, which only gives you additional reasons to keep coming back for more.


Difficulty curve: While the controls for this game are better than in many similar ones, the levels do get difficult quickly. This can be frustrating for some players, who simply run into a wall and can't advance beyond a certain point.

Bottom Line

Retry takes the familiar mechanics of Flappy Bird and others and adds Levels, Achievements, and a variety of scenery to keep you engaged and entertained.

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