Resilience, spirit celebrated as Rock Creek School students graduate

Five Rock Creek School graduates paraded through the school’s gymnasium on Thursday as “We’re All In This Together” from “High School Musical” blasted from speakers.

The audience clapped along. Some members of the graduates’ families joined them in the parade.

“I stand in awe of your resilience, determination and unwavering spirit,” Rock Creek Principal Tracy Jaramillo said during the ceremony. “Your accomplishments go far beyond the boundaries of classrooms. They exceed the typical measures of success.”

Ava Gagne, Jasmine Grant, Nolan Parchey, Alexa Roberts and Mary Shobe had stoles of green, blue, red and purple with their name emblazoned on them draped over their black gowns.

Rock Creek School, in Walkersville, serves students ages 3 to 21 with significant disabilities. The school is unique in other ways, namely that it’s like a family, Jaramillo said.

“This celebration is about the graduates, it’s about their families, and it’s our entire staff celebrating their accomplishments,” Jaramillo said. “I think that something that is special to Rock Creek is just how we are all in it together, like the song said.”

Before the ceremony, graduates and their families were in the lobby, getting dressed and taking pictures.

Ava Gagne, 21, was opening presents from friends and family, while they got her gown ready.

Gagne had been attending the school for three years, Ava’s mom, Minda Gagne, said.

Minda Gagne said the fact her daughter was graduating hadn’t quite hit her yet. She was happy, proud, and grateful for the support Ava got at school.

“It’s just very emotional just because it’s been a long road and not always easy, but certainly worth it,” she said.

For the parents of Mary Shobe, their daughter graduating was a surreal experience.

Mary had attended Rock Creek since she was in third grade, Joan Shobe, Mary’s mother, said.

Joan and Doug Shobe, Mary’s father, emphasized Mary’s work ethic and how it got her to the graduation stage. When she has a goal, they said, she is singularly focused on it.

“I am bursting with pride for her because she has a great future ahead of her and when she puts her mind to something, she does it 100%,” Joan Shobe said.

During the ceremony, Katie Buckley — the former principal of Rock Creek and current director of special education, instruction and student performance with Frederick County Public Schools — gave a personalized gift to each student as a token for their accomplishments.

Buckley gave Roberts Doritos socks and a pair of sunglasses. Alexa, who decided to sit in the audience among her family and friends, put the pink shades on.

Nolan Parchey received Klondike bars, a nod to one of Buckley’s favorite stories about Nolan. Jasmine Grant was given a journal with markers and pencils to channel her creativity.

The ceremony was marked by poignant moments, like a slideshow featuring photos of graduates, starting at birth. Letters the students and their families wrote were read out loud.

The letters shared students’ favorite memories of the school, their gratitude and hopes for the future. Some students, like Grant, are continuing to other programs.

Grant is going to join the SUCCESS program, a secondary transition and vocational program for students ages 18 to 21 with disabilities.

Nancy Allen, a member of the county’s Board of Education, spoke during the ceremony, which she said meant a lot to her.

Her sister attended Rock Creek, and graduated in 1978. Her sister flourished in the school and was able to lead a successful life afterward.

“As you leave Rock Creek always remember your roots and your pride of being a Frederick County Public Schools graduate,” Allen said. “We hope that you carry this pride with you wherever you go.”