Residents can learn about National Guard during Danville event Saturday

May 16—DANVILLE — Community members will have the opportunity to learn about the Pennsylvania National Guard at an event in Danville this weekend.

The Guard Experience will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at 112 Liberty Valley Road in Danville.

The event will include hands-on experience with military equipment as well as engagement opportunities with serving soldiers, local civilian employers, Army engineers, Army medical providers and recruiters, according to a press release.

The local guard unit is an engineer company, according to Recruiter Jason Guthrie.

"You'd be surprised how many people don't realize we are here," Guthrie said. "The civilian population can come and see exactly what the engineers do here. The unit is drilling that weekend and actively drilling soldiers will be here, so civilians can meet them too."

Food vendors will also be on site during the event, Guthrie said.