Reshuffle in Ukrainian government expected soon

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo: AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo: AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
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Reshuffles are expected in Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers soon, though the team of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has not yet decided on specific steps.

Source: Ukrainska Pravda article The Great Reboot. Why Zelenskyy is making staff rotations in the President's Office

Details: Ukrainska Pravda sources reported that government reshuffling is anticipated soon. The president's team has yet to decide on specific steps, however, and the work on this issue is ongoing.

The Cabinet reshuffle is planned to be implemented as part of the "reset of power", which began in February with the change of leadership of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and proceeded in March with reshuffles in the National Security and Defence Council, the Foreign Intelligence Service and the President's Office.

Ukrainska Pravda found that the president informed all affected officials of the decisions regarding their dismissal at the end of last week, on 21-22 March. Zelenskyy met with many former team members and asked them what posts they would like to take.

The president's team has not yet decided what Andrii Smyrnov, former Deputy Head of the President's Office, will do in the future. Ukrainska Pravda asked Smyrnov to comment on his dismissal and prospects, but he gave no answer about his plans.

At the same time, Oleksii Dniprov, another dismissed Deputy Head of the President's Office, may soon assume the post of the rector of a Ukrainian university. Ukrainska Pravda's sources say that it was Dniprov's personal wish to resign from the President's Office.

Ukrainska Pravda has found that the dismissal of Serhii Shefir, First Aide to President Zelenskyy, advisers Mykhailo Radutskyi, Serhii Trofimov, Oleh Ustenko, and extrabudgetary commissioners Nataliia Pushkarova and Aliona Verbytska is also linked to the "reset of power".

Ukrainska Pravda sources noted that Zelenskyy plans to dismiss another deputy head of the President's Office, Andrii Sybiha, who is in charge of foreign policy, shortly. He may be appointed deputy foreign minister.

The President's Office plans to replace Sybiha with Mykola Tochytskyi, an incumbent Deputy Foreign Minister.


  • On 29 March, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy dismissed Andrii Smyrnov and Oleksii Dniprov, two of the deputies of Andrii Yermak, the head of the Ukrainian President's Office, and appointed Iryna Mudra and Olena Kovalska in their place.

  • On 30 March, Volodymyr Zelenskyy dismissed his first aide, Serhii Shefir, along with advisers Mykhailo Radutskyi, Serhii Trofimov, Oleh Ustenko, and extrabudgetary commissioners for volunteer activities and for ensuring the rights of defenders – Nataliia Pushkarova and Aliona Verbytska.

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