Republican Kevin McCarthy Accused Twitter Of Censoring Conservatives, Turns Out He Just Had His Settings Wrong

Republican Kevin McCarthy thought Twitter was censoring conservatives.
Republican Kevin McCarthy thought Twitter was censoring conservatives.

Republican Kevin McCarthy expressed outrage on Twitter when a tweet from Laura Ingraham showed the warning, “This tweet is not available because it includes potentially sensitive content.”

“Another day, another example of conservatives being censored on social media,” he tweeted. “@jack easy fix: explain to Congress what is going on. #StopTheBias cc @IngrahamAngle.”

It turns out calling out Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was unnecessary.

Twitter users were quick to point out his error.

“Congressman, it’s your settings,” said one polite Twitter user. “Go into ‘settings and privacy’ and uncheck this box so you can see these kinds of tweets.”

The tweet included a screenshot of Twitter’s safety settings and the box to uncheck the setting “hide sensitive content.”

Some Twitter users were less kind.

“Get an intern to check your settings Congressman,” tweeted one user.

“Or a 3rd grader,” responded another user.

“Bless your heart,” said another tweet.

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