Reports: Ryan Still Running for His House Seat

Although Mitt Romney named him his running mate Saturday, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is still seeking reelection to his House seat in November, according to Ryan’s House campaign manager, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.

Ryan can run for both his House seat and vice president thanks to a 1968 Wisconsin law. He faces Democrat Rob Zerban, who has raised only about one-quarter of the amount of money Ryan has raised, as of July 25.

If he wins both elections in November, a special election, probably held in the spring, will be required to fill his House seat, according to the Kenosha News. If this happens, who might run for the seat is up in the air, though there has been talk, Kenosha County Republican Party Chairman Matt Augustine said. “All I know is the Republicans have been looking for a while just in case this happened,” he said.