A Remix of Google's Project Glass Video—Now With Ads

"Let's face it," Jonathan McIntosh writes, "Google really is just a massive advertising company at heart." Google's latest promotional video, which promotes an augmented reality interface built into glasses, doesn't include ads, so the remix artist decided to create a new version, with a subversive twist. Relevant ads pop up alongside each search, cluttering the user's field of vision with helpful links to Starbucks, Amazon, and McDonalds. McIntosh sourced the ads from actual AdWords search results, "based on the dialog or setting in the original." It's a hilarious, and unnerving, look at what ad-supported augmented reality might look like in the future.

McIntosh's razor-sharp remixes have tackled everything from Twilight to right wing talk radio -- don't miss Buffy vs. Edward and Donald Duck Meets Glenn Beck on the Atlantic Video channel.

For more work by Jonathan McIntosh, visit http://www.rebelliouspixels.com/.

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