Rejoice! New Art from 'Calvin and Hobbes' Creator Bill Watterson

Attention comic strip fans, art enthusiasts, anyone who was a child from 1985-1995, and really any human beings currently breathing air on planet Earth: there is new art from Calvin and Hobbes creator Bill Watterson. 

Stripped via The New York Times

Watterson designed and illustrated the poster for Stripped, a new "feature documentary on the world’s best cartoonists." The film includes the first ever audio interview with Watterson.

The New York Times (which premiered the poster) explains how Stripped scored the J.D. Salinger/White Whale/whatever-you-want-to call-him of cartooning: 

“In the right hands, a comic strip attains a beauty and an elegance that really I would put against any other art,” Mr. Watterson says in his interview. Mr. Schroeder said, “It seemed like he really wanted to express some thoughts about comics and cartooning, where they had been and where they are going.” The retired cartoonist was so pleased with the documentary that he also supplied the artwork for the poster of the film.

We don't want to jinx anything, but this is now the second instance of Watterson easing back from his reclusive nature in the past six months or so. In October, he gave an interview to Mental Floss, in which he pretty much confirmed that there will never be new Calvin and Hobbes strips, or any animated adaptations. And now, we have an actual recorded interview (!) and some new art, to go along with those landscape paintings he'd been doing since calling it quits with C&H

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Stripped, which resulted from a Kickstarter campaign and calls itself a "love-letter to comic strips", isn't the first film to come out recently that lauds Watterson, but it is the only one that has involvement from the man himself. Which alone makes Stripped a must-see. 

This article was originally published at

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