Regulars claim ghost of hanged prostitute terrorizes Missouri bar

Patrons of a Missouri bar claim that the spirit of a murdered woman haunts the establishment, causing bottles to mysteriously spin behind the bar and shelves to inexplicably crash to the floor at all hours of the day and night.

"I'm a Christian and I don't believe in ghosts, but this one's real, that's all I'd say," Becky Ashley, a bartender at Ron's Roadhouse, told WDAF.

Ashley said that the epicenter of the paranormal activity is on the bar's second floor, which is home to a ghost named Elizabeth and is not open to the public.

The owners of Ron's Roadhouse, Ron and Jenelda Woolery, claim that the haunting stems from an event that took place in the 1950s when the building used to be a brothel.

According to legend, a woman named Elizabeth was a madam at the brothel and was hanged by one of her Johns in the infamous upstairs room. Her spirit is said to terrorize the premises ever since.

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As a result, almost anyone who visits the second floor at Ron's Roadhouse wants out of there as quickly as possible.

"I've had firemen come in here and look it over and I have had them leave white as a ghost," Ron Woolery told WDAF. "They didn't really want to go back up either."

Woolery told the station that he, too, has had scary run-ins with Elizabeth.

When he first bought the bar, Woolery said he was climbing up a ladder to replace the sign outside when he began to feel uneasy.

"I got down and was going to tie the ladder off," Woolery explained. "As I got halfway up it felt like someone jerked the bottom of the ladder out from under me. Next thing I know I'm on the ground in the ladders on top of me."

Luckily for female patrons, Jenelda Woolery maintains that Elizabeth only seems to mess with men.