Redford says she didn't direct government business to ex's-husband's law firm

EDMONTON - Alberta Premier Alison Redford is denying allegations that as justice minister she directed that millions of dollars in legal work should go to a firm that employs her ex-husband.

Redford has dismissed a 2010 memo to her officials that urged a $10-billion lawsuit against tobacco firms be handled by a firm that includes ex-husband, Robert Hawkes.

Redford has told the legislature the memo reflected her thinking at the time, but has noted the final decision was made by her successor in the justice office, Verlyn Olson.

Her comments came during a question period that saw the Opposition Wildrose and Redford's Tories once again hurling accusations and insults at one another.

Redford answered questions calmly until Wildrose critic Rob Anderson, a lawyer, wondered how he could even file a complaint against Redford with the law society because the president-elect of that body is also part of the tobacco lawsuit team.

Redford, who is also a lawyer, jumped to her feet, accused Anderson of impugning the integrity of the legal profession, and dared him to lodge a complaint against her.