Rebuilding from a Tornado, Returning to the Bullfight, and iPads in Taxis

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 20 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: American non-profit employees were released on bail and fled Egypt after international pressure secured their release, but they leave anti-American sentiment and political finger-pointing in their wake. Political watchers credit the Romney campaign for its repeated ability to take down opponents, even as they ponder the effects of such a nasty campaign. And following the tornado that struck southern Illinois, one town takes stock of the many disasters they've faced in recent years.


International: After a bull gored his face leaving him with one eye and unable to chew food, bullfighter Juan José Padilla plans to return to the ring.

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Business: Some of the most expensive education programs also happen to teach skills for the most crucial jobs, from technology to health care, and cuts to state college budgets could mean too many jobs for not enough skilled applicants.

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Health: The cultural norms that cause smoking rates among Asian New Yorkers to remain higher than among other demographics.

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Obituaries: The Times take on conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart focuses on his dueling perception as an effective conservative warrior and a partisan with little attention to facts.

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Op-ed: Public interest lawyer Louise Trubek recounts her own role as a plaintiff in the early Supreme Court cases that challenged state laws outlawing contraception based on a right to privacy, and laments that the issue remains divisive in our modern political debate.

New York: New York taxis will experiment with replacing back seat TVs with iPads and providing iPhones that allow customers to swipe a credit card at any time. 

Sports: In light of Miami Marlins player Mike Stanton's decision to go by his first name Giancarlo, the Times looks at the long history of athletes who changed their names and their reasons.

Weekend Arts: In a review as scathingly fun to read as it likely was to write, A.O. Scott cautions you not to see The Lorax, a film he calls "a noisy, useless piece of junk."