Should We Care if Bill Clinton Posed with Porn Stars?

Should We Care if Bill Clinton Posed with Porn Stars?

By now you've seen the photo of Bill Clinton with the porn stars, the one that began circulating on Twitter last evening and is now in Page Six, and in various other tabloids, along with faux shocked headlines like "What will Hillary say?" Nevermind that Clinton simply posed with the women, that they were fully clothed, and that chances are, if you get your picture with a porn star, you're probably not actually going to get involved with her physically. At least, we think that would be a foolish PR move. 

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The picture is of Clinton at a gala he co-hosted with Prince Albert of Monaco, to benefit the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the William J. Clinton Foundation. You're asking, why there were porn stars there? We don't know. There were also, according to reports, "legit stars" at the event like Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson of Pacey Witter fame. But the photo of note we get from this event is Bill standing next to Brooklyn Lee, star of Secretaries 4 (she's the one who tweeted the pic) and, on the other side, Tasha Reign, also of sexy movies including Farm Girls Gone Bad. The third woman, the one furthest from Bill's arm, was identified on Twitter as @jennifer_taule. 

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What are we to make of all this? As Wyatt Stanz of the blog Distriction spun it: "President Obama, Bill Clinton sees your 'cool' and raises you 'porn star cool.'"  Pray tell, what is "porn star cool"? Further, do we even know Bill Clinton knew of these ladies' jobs? No. But the impact of Bill Clinton plus porn stars is enough to merit a click in this gossip hungry (rather sexually suppressed) day and age. It's nostalgic, as the British tabloids would have you believe, harkening back to those nearly ancient, sometimes forgotten days of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Plus, we get to return to the imagined mad wife stereotype of Hillary, who's probably hitting Bill on the head with an rolling pin right now for his indiscretions. Right?

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But perhaps the funniest, and not really funny haha thing, to point out is the general reaction to this photo—laughs, virtual pats on the back, etc. etc.—versus reaction to recent ones of Hillary drinking beer in Cartagena, or, even more recent than that, photos of her not wearing makeup while working. For both of those photos she was taken to task; people were outraged in various ways, calling her ugly, irresponsible, a shame to her job and womanhood. Let us not ask, therefore, what Hillary will think (OH NO, do we actually think this is a surprise to the Secretary of State?) about this photo, but what Hillary thinks about the double standard that means that her not wearing several layers of makeup at all times, and maybe, occasionally, a scrunchie, gets more censure and outrage than this photo of her husband with porn stars. 

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But, probably, she's too busy actually working to think about either all that much. That's "Secretary of State" cool.