Readers sound off on Robert Hur’s findings, familiar weather patterns and war crimes

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The special counsel actually did Biden a favor

North Arlington, N.J.: Special Counsel Robert Hur’s findings in his investigation into President Biden having and storing top secret documents did not tell anyone anything new. It is obvious beyond belief that Biden is in serious mental decline and not fit to be the leader of any country.

The liberal media, instead of throwing brickbats at Hur, should be sending him bouquets for getting Biden off the hook of facing potential charges for the holding and careless storage of top secret documents. Hur used the same game plan as James Comey did in his recommendation to the Justice Department not to bring charges against Hillary Clinton. Comey claimed Clinton was extremely careless in using a private email server for government business. His reason not to file charges was that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Hur’s reason was that Biden is an elderly man with a poor memory, citing examples so egregious that he concluded that no jury would find Biden guilty because of his reduced mental state.

It’s ironic that those at CNN, MSNBC and other liberal outlets are apoplectic that Hur would reveal his findings, but they stop short of saying they are not true. If Hur had decided not to charge with no explanation, the Republicans would have demanded the release of the transcripts from his interviews, and more than likely, someone would have leaked them. Another cover-up of this magnitude by the DOJ would surely get Donald Trump elected. So, the liberal media should pipe down and order the flowers. Armand Rose

On his orders

Howard Beach: Voicer John Brindisi wrote that Special Counsel Jack Smith violated federal law in the indictment by materially changing Trump’s speech to his supporters by leaving out the words “protest peacefully and patriotically.” Smith should have left those words in just to show how hollow they rang. Trump watched on television and did nothing for more than three hours as the MAGA rioters were smashing windows, attacking and bear-spraying Capitol Police and yelling, “Hang Mike Pence!” There wasn’t anything peaceful or patriotic about the attack on the Capitol, and yet, Trump was so pleased with what he saw that he watched the video over and over again. Barbara Berg

Doing her job

Brooklyn: I keep hearing that Leticia James campaigned on going after Trump. Yes, she did, and the majority of New Yorkers voted for her based on her commitment. I am a New Yorker who has been ripped off by Trump fraud. I want justice. “Not paying taxes makes me smart.” “ ‘Sir, how do you do it?’ he said with tears running down his face.” Lady Justice is smiling and will continue to smile as Trump has to pay for his crimes, both civil and criminal. Anne Slamka


Bronx: Would some MAGAs out there please give Trump a geography lesson? While president he once said, “We’re building a beautiful wall in Colorado,” which is 450 miles north of Mexico. Now he thinks the Kansas City Chiefs are from Kansas, unaware that there are two neighboring cities with that name. The more prominent one with a pro football team is in Missouri. Please help him stop putting his ignorance on display. Randall Borra

Elite attitudes

Staten Island: Whatever happened to “we the people”? It seems that all we have are two mudslinging parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. Neither of these parties represent me or represent “we the people.” It’s time “we the people” rebel at the polls and elect an individual who runs on their own merits, devoid of the two parties. When it comes to Democrats and Republicans, they lost sight of their responsibilities to “we the people.” Even our local newspapers are not representative of the people. They try to influence “we the people” when they should be neutral and let the people decide. Lawrence J. Boliak

Futile funding

Haverstraw, N.Y.: This new aid package is a sick joke. The U.S. Congress is funding the wholesale slaughter of a generation of young Ukrainians. Russia has proved throughout history to be able and willing to throw hundreds of thousands of its own people into a war. Russia can always outlast its enemies. Even if this insane war were a good investment for us, we are broke. Every dollar we spend is borrowed from China. The people at the top who make these decisions are either stupid or corrupt. And I don’t think they are stupid. Scott Jones

Faithful service

Middle Village: Here’s another shout-out from a fellow Middle Villager. Our Daily News delivery person, Martha Garces, is phenomenal also. Even if she misses a day, which is hardly ever, we receive the newspaper the very next day. Kudos to her! Robert Chirieleison

Welcome weather event

San Francisco: To Voicers Lydia DiBello and Scott Barusek: I grew up in Annandale, Va., and vividly remember the blizzards of 1979 and 1983 that blanketed Washington with 18.7 and 16.6 inches of snow. I also remember the excitement of turning on the news the morning after any snowstorm, hoping to learn school was canceled. Raising my own children in California, I knew they would never have those thrills. However, on Sept. 9, 2020, we awoke to “Orange Day,” when smoke and ash from a forest fire 150 miles away had seemingly transformed the Bay Area into a Martian landscape with a smothering, eerily glowing orange sky. Frankly, I would much prefer snow! Stephen A. Silver

Crimes against humanity

Barrie, Ontario: Re: “U.S. nixes Arab plan, pushes alt Gaza bid” (Feb 20): A temporary ceasefire and restoring the flow of aid into Gaza will not mitigate the ongoing slaughter committed by Israel’s forces. The destruction of Gaza and its people, Israeli settler attacks and numerous activities consistent with war crimes and ethnic cleansing paint a dark portrait of a government obsessed with the annihilation of a neighboring people. Israel diverted these civilians and then bombed them, destroyed hospitals and cultural centers, and attacked fishing boats and starving civilians while cutting off supplies of food, water and medicine. These are not the actions of a government that cares what the world thinks. Neither side scores points for moral rectitude as they butcher each other. If the world cares, let nations offer Palestinians refuge as they did for Ukrainians. Let governments sanction Israel’s leaders and combat the racism that dehumanizes both peoples. Christopher Mansour

Larger forces

Lackawaxen, Pa.: Voicer Ebere Osu villainizes Amin al-Husseini for his opposition to the Zionist occupation of a territory that for centuries had been predominantly Arab; but he was engaged in a civil war over British Palestine. He’s an easy target, having backed the losing side in two world wars and been photographed with Hitler. France and Britain were the enemies of most Arab aspirations. Stranger is the attempt to make the Jewish presence predate Mandatory Palestine: “Large-scale Jewish immigration to Palestine began in 1881.” If Ottoman statistics are reliable, the Jewish population there increased by about 500 per year between 1881 and 1901 (by birth or migration). The vast influx of Jews, many illegal immigrants, occurred after the Mandate was established. In 1947, only one-third of the population was Jewish. What Osu probably gets right is that al-Husseini’s strategy led to the expulsion of Arabs to Gaza, the West Bank and other countries, “causing the Palestinian refugee problem.” John A. MacKinnon

Don’t disrupt

Clifton Park, N.Y.: I completely agree with Voicer Bradley Morris that while the First Amendment does indeed guarantee freedom of speech, expression and assembly, it does not guarantee the right to be a public nuisance, thereby depriving others of their ability to get to work or to any other pressing appointment in a timely fashion. Common courtesy and respect for one’s fellow man should always prevail. Joyce P. McAlister

Bad example

Brooklyn: I just read in your paper that Juan Soto considers Robinson Cano his mentor. The question is why? Cano was suspended twice for using performance-enhancing substances. And the next time he hustles to first base on a grounder will be the first time. This says something about Soto’s character and it sure isn’t good. Probably a fan of Alex Rodriguez and David Ortiz also — two more known cheats. Dennis Burge