Readers sound off on Israel’s critics, sex offender laws and animal agriculture

Israel is worth defending, not these protests

Manhattan: I thank God for many things, and the latest is that Voicer John A. MacKinnon from Whatchamacallit, Pa., has no power or credibility in the geopolitical arena. He is also woefully ignorant of the facts when he asserts that Israel “should not have been established where Jews were given political power over a Muslim majority.”

The 1947 partition plan, accepted by the “Jews,” as McKinnon prefers to call all Israelis, but rejected by the Arabs, divided Mandatory Palestine into areas based on majority demographics. Modern Israel is overwhelmingly Jewish, with Muslim and Christian minorities accorded full citizenship rights and equal access to its court system. While the Palestinian Arabs have expressly rejected the two-state solution in 1948, 1967, 1992, 2000, 2008 and to the present day, instead opting to launch suicide bombings, rockets and terrorism, primarily on Israeli civilians in a brutal war to establish a one-state majority (or exclusively) Muslim solution, Israel has tried mightily, but unsuccessfully, to come to a peaceful solution with its Palestinian cousins and neighbors.

The TikTok-generation kids who commit violence on our streets and campuses and call for the extermination of the Jewish state, in many instances with hysterical screams of “death to the Jews” reminiscent of the rise of Nazism in prewar Germany, are not alright. Far from it. They are the useful, brainwashed idiots of radicalized Islam.

MacKinnon is correct in observing that “in the real world, the Zionist state isn’t going anywhere.” Unfortunately, neither are antisemitic Voicers. Ephraim Savitt

Biden’s self-blitz

Bronx: President Biden needs to speak up and publicly address the suffering of the people of Gaza. You can’t fool all of the people all of the time — we can see who gets the ammo and whose 34,000-and-counting women and children are already killed, subjected to genocide and starved. And we cast blame on our students for thinking critically and claiming what is right for our own Blacks, Jews, Latin farmworkers or Palestinians. If Biden remains silent, he will reap the harvest of his non-action in the election, and the people of the U.S. will bear the stain of our complicity in the injustice in Gaza for many decades to come. Rose Mary Lancaster

Restored order

Hamden, Conn.: Voicer Dan Singer is completely wrong and should be ashamed of himself. The NYPD did a great job in clearing out the crowd of demonstrators, who had committed numerous crimes (“More than 100 cuffed in Columbia raid,” May 2). The NYPD came in to fix the miserable failures of the Columbia administration. Chris Lyons

Case closed

Staten Island: Mayor Adams, Police Commissioner Edward Caban and the New York City Police Department officers are to be extolled for the stellar handling of the protesters. Jeffrey Van Pelt

Big spender

Brooklyn: Can Mayor Adams be more ignorant? Or is it sheer stupidity? Common sense is not so common. He said he cannot reinstate the pension of a firefighter who died because that is misspending taxpayer money! What an ironic statement! What have we been doing since he was elected? Misspending our money! Maria Ciarametaro

Fiscally irresponsible

Flushing: The mayor said his aide was axed for performance-related reasons. He also said, “People have to live up to what they’re hired to do, taxpayers deserve that.” I couldn’t agree more. By that logic, his whole administration should be shown the door. Joseph Gross


Far Rockaway: Far Rockaway continues to be a dumping ground for people other parts of the city don’t want. It seems to get worse with each successive mayoral administration. From low-income to no-income, the recently homeless, emotionally disturbed, “recovering” addicts and now migrants. There are limited services, no healthy food options, one hospital, two banks and of course, quite a few liquor stores, smoke shops and junk food outlets; constantly flooded streets and a flurry of new housing projects. The politicians seem only interested in staying in office, so they dump folks here who don’t vote, can’t vote or automatically vote for them. The right-wing nuts don’t think they can win here, so they don’t care about the neighborhood. The left-wing flakes know they have the district on a lock, so they take everyone here for granted and don’t do anything for the taxpaying residents. Ebban Jones

Registration errors

Bronx: Just a couple of points about Cheryl Roberts’ rather good April 30 “Be Our Guest” piece (“Sex offender rules need reform,” op-ed, April 30). The fact that in some states public urination, streaking and consensual sex between teenagers are considered crimes is insane enough. That they can get people put on a sex offenders registry is an outrageous injustice. Also, those guilty of murder or horrifically brutal assaults should not be on a registry. They should be in prison for the rest of their lives. Richard Warren

Editorial disagreement

Bronx: Someone once wrote: “He was respected and thought a fearless leader / and the people cheered whenever he showed his face / but no man is perfect, and there came a day / when he fell from grace.” The Daily News proves just how ruthless and vindictive the modern left can be (“Rudy, from lawman to lawbreaker,” editorial, April 27). Even the former mayor, whether right or wrong, deserves some measure of respect that you are incapable of giving. And if I may digress, in the editorial that follows the above, “Only one choice on choice” (April 27), you refer to “pregnant people.” As far as I know, the only people capable of pregnancy are the females of the species, women anatomically gifted to give birth. There is no one else. Get off the woke bandwagon, it makes you appear foolish. Bob Pascarella

Of public interest

Henderson, Nev.: Newsflash: The U.S. Department of Justice has declined to give House Republican leadership the taped audio recordings of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with President Biden, citing privacy concerns of the president. What baloney! The president is in the public eye nearly every hour of the day. What privacy concerns could the forgetful octogenarian possibly have? Funny, the last time I looked, I was under the impression that the president works for us and not vice versa. I guess America is ruled by a king whose name is not Donald Trump but Joe Biden. David Tulanian

Trashy ads

Whitestone: To Voicer Ray Hackinson: There are a preposterous amount of medical commercials on public TV. I would also like to address the needless amount of “legal attorney” advertisements that we must endure. These ambulance-chasers do nothing but misinform viewers and line their own pockets by encouraging lawsuits that only disrupt the lives of everyone involved. Shame on our legal system. Frank Basile

Great idea

Wallington, N.J.: Neil deGrasse Tyson once said, “If a batter is hit by the pitch on ball four, shouldn’t he get two bases?” The man is a true genius, not to mention a visionary. Mike Landmesser

Systemically unhealthy

Bethesda, Md.: I adopted a vegan diet and lifestyle decades ago, yet I am concerned about food safety because, due to animal agriculture practices, plants can be affected, as are our environment, human health and the treatment and living conditions of the unfortunate animals raised for food. Viruses can spread, mutate and ultimately affect our food system. Conditions in factory farms provide a breeding ground for diseases, posing risks to animal welfare as well as to human health. Not only are plant-based foods free from specific viral risks, but they offer a more sustainable and compassionate way to nourish ourselves. Because transitioning away from animal farming involves economic factors and cultural practices, there must be collaboration between policymakers, industry leaders and consumers to implement effective, equitable solutions for a healthier and more sustainable food system. Shemirah Brachah

The great beyond

Hopewell Junction, N.Y.: I love when the media does segments like “Beyond Our Borders.” Where are they talking about, Neptune? Freddy Sacco