Reactions: Rochester businesses, officials respond to Gov. Walz ending most COVID restrictions

May 6—Nearly every measure in place to curb the spread of COVID-19 in Minnesota will expire Friday, May 28, Gov. Tim Walz has announced, and Minnesotans won't be required to wear face masks in public beginning in July. These are community reactions:


Brandon Helgeson, Rochesterfest executive director

"It means I am able to bring events to people and things that are well known as community events can get back on track to get the public out and moving again.

"With Rochesterfest (scheduled for June 19-27), we are still on the cusp of the mask mandate, but I think the most important thing out of this is that it was fairly clear if you are an outdoor event starting tomorrow you don't have capacity limits. You might have stuff to deal with masks, but you don't have the other things. I think that is the best thing from an event position. ...

"I would just encourage the general public to get out and do what they are comfortable with, I think we need to encourage the community to get out safely and comfortably."


Kim Norton, Mayor of Rochester

Get vaccinated so we can toss the masks before July! We can do this, folks!!

— Kim Norton (@MayorNorton) May 6, 2021


Angela Lako-Quinn, administrator at Edenbrook

"We follow CMS and the Minnesota Department of Health guidelines for COVID-19 visitations. At this time, we will wait for further direction from both entities."

Sue Knutson, mission leader at Samaritan Bethany Home

"The MN Department of Health sets our guidelines for visitation and other COVID-19 restrictions based upon both state and federal guidance. During this past year, once the governor makes an announcement, MDH updates our guidelines and timelines for implementation shortly thereafter. We look forward to learning more from MDH about how the Governor's announcement will impact the COVID-19 restrictions in our setting."


Holly Masek, executive director of Rochester Downtown Alliance

"It's a big relief to us as event manage the crowd of Thursday's (on First), we were really a little apprehensive about what that might need to look like if there were still restrictions in place, and so we're really glad that people can just go and truly enjoy."

Thursday's on First will launch in early July, Masek added.


Minnesota Ready Coalition

"This announcement is a long time coming for businesses who have endured incremental dial turns while simultaneously keeping their businesses afloat and protecting employee and customer safety. The business community — local chambers and coalition members — have been steadfast in their support of employers, understanding their enormous impact on local communities and Minnesota's economy as a whole."


Paul Gazelka, Minnesota Senate majority leader

"My reaction today is simple: Not good enough and not soon enough. The emergency is over and the mandates need to end.

I said in January, when the vaccines were available to young, healthy people, the emergency is over. We've been there for weeks. It's about time the Governor recognizes that vaccinations were the key. And while Minnesota stumbled mightily out of the gate to vaccinate the most vulnerable, we now have an abundant supply and appointments.

Senate Republicans have already passed legislation to safely open businesses and venues with a COVID plan in place, we don't need to wait until Memorial Day.

We also provided an off-ramp to end the eviction moratorium and passed a bill to prevent one-man control from happening ever again.

This announcement won't allow for kids to finish the year with normal graduations and celebrations like prom, or allow normal participation in sports and activities. It's too late for many to find summer camps and plan vacations in-state. Outdoor spaces are still limited by distancing despite all the evidence that the outdoors is safe. A "normal" summer is still a long way off.

The Governor continues to lead alone, ignoring our suggestions and the suggestions of the businesses and medical community to find any compromise- especially on the mask mandate. This does not make our job at the Capitol to pass a balanced budget without raising taxes, and on time, any easier."
