Rape in the Air Force, the Sequester's Immigration Backlash, and Soda Hackers

Behind the New York Times pay wall, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: Virginia Messick, who was raped by her Air Force training instructor, is the "first victim of a still-unfolding sexual assault scandal at Lackland to speak publicly about what she has endured." 

RELATED: Newtown's Nationwide Impact, the Rape and the Football Team, Nelson Mandela

World: Cardinals "tarnished with accusations that they had failed to remove priests accused of sexually abusing minors" gathered in Rome for the conclave, with no apparent pressure on them to stay home. 

RELATED: Indian Rape Suspects Might Be Turning Against Each Other

U.S.: Immigration officials have released hundreds of detainees in anticipation of spending cuts.

RELATED: A Woman Was Gang-Raped and Thrown Out of a Moving Car in India

New York: A controversial mural in the State Education Building, long hidden for fear of offending, is being revealed to the public for one hour once a month. 

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Business: The looming sequestration will only increase austerity in a time when federal government is cutting back at "a pace exceeded in the last half-century only by the military demobilizations after the Vietnam War and the cold war." 

Sports: In a Mormon town the Knights of Lone Peak High School, an unlikely looking group of teens who play with a "fearless" style "have not just been beating opponents, they have been crushing them." 

Opinion: Louise Erdrich on rape in the Native American community

Television: When it comes to TNT's drama Southland "television watchers can attest that it feels more real than any other cop series at the moment." 

Dining & Wine: ​ The culinary world is "hacking" carbonators to make cocktails and other fizzy drinks.