Rams Demoff goes 50 shades of stupid in Fisher assessment

Rams COO Kevin Demoff and head coach Jeff Fisher
Rams COO Kevin Demoff and head coach Jeff Fisher

Los Angeles Rams Chief Operating Officer Kevin Demoff went full stupid yesterday when offering an assessment and opinion on head coach Jeff Fisher.

In a post on SI.com, Demoff not only hinted that Fisher’s job is likely safe, but that evaluating him based on his win/loss record is “unfair.”


The lunacy via Kev’ continued:

“Everybody will want to judge Jeff through the prism of just the record, but that’s totally unfair when you look at the set of circumstances he was handed this year,” Demoff said to NFL.com. “It was different than any team in the NFL.”

I have no doubt that being a significant part of the move from St. Louis to Los Angeles after being gone for 20 seasons had its challenges. The team’s current 4-7 record is trending to another 7-9 season or worse. With road games this week in New England and later in Seattle, 7-9 may actually be a gift as .500 or better seems to be slipping away.

This is classic Kevin Demoff and indicative of an organization completely tone deaf to the realities of what plagues them.


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In the piece, he is also complimentary of his leadership skills, calling Fisher a “terrific leader of men.” Additionally, he pointed out the logistics of camp being in Irvine and now in Thousand Oaks, saying, “We moved coaches and players and families. To provide leadership and consistency, he’s done a model job.”


Jeff Fisher is in the final year of his contract, and has posted a record of 31–43–1 in his four-plus seasons with the Rams. For his career, he has posted 163 losses, third most in NFL history among head coaches.

Also worth noting, nowhere in the comments by Kevin Demoff were the words “winning” part of his assessment of Fisher as head coach in Los Angeles.

Just Sayin’.

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