Rahm Emanuel is Still as Testy as Ever

Rahm Emanuel is Still as Testy as Ever

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel gained a reputation for being prickly, testy, and generally combative as Barack Obama's chief of staff when the president first took office. Today, CNN points out, he's still that way. Asked whether his children go to public or private school, Emanuel said, "my children are not in a public position. The mayor is." Then he took off his microphone and walked off. It's just like back in June when New Jersey Governor Chris Christie snarled "It's none of your business" when asked a similar question. As The New York Times political reporter Nick Confessore noted in a tweet, "How does this question still surprise any Democratic mayor?" The video, below.

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Update (4:25 p.m. EDT): NBC Chicago managing editor Andrew Greiner wrote in to point out his network's original footage of the Emanual interview. Seems the CNN piece sped up the pace of the mayor's departure with a cut, but he's still one annoyed executive as he stalks out of the room. Check out the original coverage, below.