Radiation leak at North Korean nuclear test site 'inevitable', says Chinese expert

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un provides guidance on a nuclear weapons program in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency - REUTERS
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un provides guidance on a nuclear weapons program in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency - REUTERS

A radiation leak at the site of North Korea’s massive bomb test is “inevitable”, a Chinese nuclear weapons expert warned, after authorities in China reported that the mountain where the explosion took place had collapsed.

China’s Earthquake Network Centre said a second 4.6 magnitude ‘earthquake tremor’ happened eight minutes after Sunday’s initial explosion, which measured 6.3 magnitude.

Authorities in China said the tremor could be a result of a “cave in”, a potentially devastating collapse of the mountain at the Punggye-ri test site, where North Korean tests its weapons underground.

Wei Shijie, who worked on China’s nuclear weapons programme from 1964 to 1990 and is often quoted on the subject in Chinese media, said: “When I heard there could have been a collapse, it made me so concerned because it means the problem is quite serious and a nuclear leak is inevitable.”

“But even if the mountain did not cave-in, a leak will definitely happen,” added Mr Wei.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un  - Credit: REUTERS
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un Credit: REUTERS

“It is just a matter of time to detect it, because there are cracks on mountains where radioactive substances will leak,” the retired scientist told The Telegraph.

Mr Wei also dismissed the results of Chinese monitoring of its border areas with North Korea which concluded that no atmospheric radiation was detected. Japanese “sniffer” aircraft also recorded no abnormalities.

“It is normal after only two days,” he said. “But I am sure radioactive substances will be detected.

“The big concern is the underground water will be contaminated, polluting the plants and animals, and finally the people who consume animal meat will be seriously impacted.”

Mr Wei said that China was unprepared for any radiation leaks on its border, and blamed the government for seeking to downplay the risks as it sought to “maintain stability”.

He said scores of people living near the border had contacted him as they were worried about a leak.

“I don’t think the Chinese government has done a good job in enabling its people to be fully prepared for the harm that is on its way,” he said. “People must acquire knowledge about nuclear leaks.”

North Korea claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb on Sunday. China tested its first nuclear weapon in 1964 and its first H bomb less than three years later.

Mr Wei worked at China’s first research base after graduation and helped to develop China’s atomic and hydrogen bombs.

The North is believed to have carried out the five most recent of its six tests under the same mountain at the Punggye-ri test site.

A scientist quoted in Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post said he believed another test might cause “the whole mountain to cave in on itself”.

Wang Naiyan, the former chairman of the China Nuclear Society and senior researcher on China’s nuclear weapons programme, told the newspaper: “We call it ‘taking the roof off’. If the mountain collapses and the hole is exposed, it will let out many bad things.”

Additional reporting by Christine Wei

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