In race for Texas agriculture commissioner, both candidates want cannabis use expanded

Republican Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, seeking a third term, is facing Democrat Susan Hays, an Alpine attorney who worked for the Legislature and Texas Supreme Court, in the Nov. 8 election.

When it comes to farming and ranching, the chief of the Texas Department of Agriculture is responsible for marketing Texas products across the country and state, regulating scales and food inspections, and overseeing a $6 billion budget. But the job also entails roles outside of farming and ranching, such as control over school lunches, fuel pumps, rural hospitals and hemp growing licenses.

Since his election in 2014, controversy has followed Miller’s office. The latest unwanted headlines involve his former consultant Todd Smith, who was indicted on charges of selling hemp licenses to potential growers for $150,000. The agency sells those licenses for $100.

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Miller has previously stated he believes the investigation was a political hit job and doesn’t think Smith did anything wrong. Miller also drew criticism for employing Smith’s wife, Kellie Housewright-Smith, and paying her a salary of nearly $180,000.

Hays has built her campaign largely around fighting the “ethically challenged” Miller and said her frustration with him is what led her to run for office. If elected, Hays said she would work to ensure Texas is maximizing federal dollars.

“The job isn't raising cattle,” Hays told the American-Statesman. “The job is making sure those who produce food have the tools they need to succeed and those that consume food have access to safe and healthy food.”

Another big campaign point for Hays is fixing the state’s rural health care system. Texas leads the country in rural hospital closures, with 26 since 2010, according to the Texas Organization of Rural & Community Hospitals.

To fix the issue, Hays said she’ll advocate to expand Medicaid, push high school students in rural Texas to join the health care profession and create more competition among health insurance providers in rural areas.

Miller’s website does not mention rural health care, and he declined a request for an interview.

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Both candidates agree that cannabis use should be expanded but differ on how much. Miller advocates for full medical use and Hays takes it a step farther by calling for full legalization for recreational and medical use. Hays specializes in cannabis law and promotes herself as the “first Cannabis Super Lawyer” in Texas.

In a recent interview with WFAA, Miller said he’s running for office again largely to stop China from buying farmland in Texas.

Miller holds an endorsement from former President Donald Trump, which carries considerable weight in the Texas GOP. Before becoming agriculture commissioner, he was a state representative in Stephenville for 12 years. He also breeds and trains American quarter horses and is a rodeo cowboy with more than 20 world titles.

Hays raised more money than Miller in contributions from July through September, amassing more than $111,500 compared with his $48,000. However, Miller holds more cash on hand than Hays, with about $168,800 to her $85,000.

Divisive rhetoric

Miller’s tenure has been marked by divisive rhetoric, predominantly on social media. In 2019, he commented, “Get a rope” on a Facebook post by the “Sons of Confederate Veterans” about the Confederate flag being barred from the Stephenville parade. The post drew criticism for alluding to lynching; he insisted it was a joke in reference to a salsa commercial.

Miller also took issue when Six Flags Over Texas stopped flying the Confederate flag, calling it race-baiting and sanitizing of history.

He has also made comments likening Syrian refugees to rattlesnakes and said the U.S. should drop an atomic bomb on the “Muslim world.” His Twitter account called Hillary Clinton the c-word during the 2016 election, which he denied writing.

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Lawsuits against Abbott, Patrick

Miller has been involved in several lawsuits, including one in 2021 against a federal program meant to offer aid to farmers of color, saying it discriminated against him and other white people.

Heunsuccessfullysued all 31 state senators and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick in 2021 for the requirement of a negative COVID-19 test to gain access to the Senate floor. He also joined an unsuccessful Texas Supreme Court challenge to overturn Gov. Greg Abbott’s order that extended early voting in 2020 by six days as a pandemic safety measure.

Miller's name recognition, his party identification and the strength of Abbott's name on the ballot above his put the incumbent in a good position to win the race, said St. Edward's University political science professor Brian Smith.

“For a long time in Texas, the joke was ‘biggest truck wins,’” Smith said. “It isn't a glamorous job. ... But as with all of our elected officials, because we are voting for these people, it's up to us to hold them accountable. And they spend our money."

Early voting started Monday and will continue through Nov. 4.

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Sid Miller faces Susan Hays for Texas agriculture commissioner