"Quid pro Joe": Rep. Cory Mills plans to file impeachment resolution against Biden for restricting some bombs to Israel.

So obviously, that's a major step. It remains to be seen how much support there will be for it. But just in terms of what you put out there, explain what you believe is the quid pro quo argument in this impeachment article. Well, it's really no different if you go back to what President Biden had tweeted out previously. He said that withholding congressionally appropriated aid for a return of a political gain is in some way a quid pro quo and that President Trump should be impeached with regards to Ukraine. Now, I'm going to go ahead and preface this by saying 98% of the language that is in my impeachment articles was actually drafted by Representative Jerry Nadler, who I hope will support this given the fact that they set the precedence with their own words. But the reality is that when you're trying to withhold humanitarian or any type of congressional appropriated aid for the purpose of political gain, which he does look at political gain because he wants to win Michigan, he wants to pander to the radical left. And think about what he's done here. He utilized and pulled the wool over our eyes. He released aid to go into Gaza, which fell into the hands of Hamas. He withholds aid to Israel and its ability for defense and to take out Hamas from their radical extremism that's going on. And a day prior to this, Martha, a day prior, he signs a waiver to bypass sanctions to send weapons to Lebanon and to send it to Qatar, two of the most anti-Israeli nations. And not to mention that Lebanon has been actually launching attacks with Hezbollah from Hassan Nasrallah. So this is a clear violation. He has multiple that he has committed. One is a take care clause that he violated with not enforcing the border laws that are down there. The other is the separation of power that he violated when he continued to supersede what SCOTUS' ruling was with regards to funding for the college bailout. And now with the quid pro quo, it should be quid pro Joe.