Queen's Platinum Jubilee live: Harry and Meghan to join Royals at thanksgiving service

The Queen has decided not to make the journey to St Paul’s Cathedral on Friday - PA
The Queen has decided not to make the journey to St Paul’s Cathedral on Friday - PA

Good morning and welcome to our live coverage of day two of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

The Queen will not attend today's service of thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral after suffering discomfort during Thursday's celebrations.

Despite “immensely” enjoying Trooping the Colour and a spectacular flypast, the 96-year-old monarch announced “with great reluctance” last night that the journey to St Paul’s and the length of the service would make it too difficult to attend.

The last-minute decision followed a day of celebrations, with the Queen taking a salute from the balcony of the Buckingham Palace after Trooping the Colour and standing for the RAF fly-past.

Prince Andrew will also miss the ceremony after testing positive for Covid.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will attend the service. The last time the couple were surrounded by so many members of the Royal family was when they married at Windsor Castle in May 2018.

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06:31 AM

Good morning.

The sun is shining in London, as the second day of Platinum Jubilee celebrations get underway.

We will be steering you through the latest updates throughout the day, with the service of thanksgiving at St Paul's Cathedral service being today's main point of order.

The royal family will then attend a Guildhall reception hosted by the Lord Mayor.

The Queen announced last night that she will no longer attend following "discomfort" during yesterday's celebrations.