Punxsutawney Phil Says Spring Is Coming

Did you know it's Groundhog Day? Were you aware that when you awoke Saturday morning a decision would be made that would effect things as dramatically as the seasons? That Winter's fate would be left to a small creature? 

RELATED: Climate Change Is Putting Punxsutawney Phil Out of a Job

We were not. We were unprepared to hear from Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog who has become the defacto determiner of seasons in North America. This year Phil decided spring is coming early: 

PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. (AP) - Pennsylvania groundhog Punxsutawney Phil doesn't see shadow, forecasts early spring.

— Ken Thomas (@AP_Ken_Thomas) February 2, 2013

We should go over the ground rules for good measure: Punxsutawney Phil comes out every February 2 and if he happens to see his shadow, then we prepare for six more weeks of winter. No shadow, and spring is here six weeks earlier. So, to translate for a more modern audience, this year's news basically means: 

RELATED: The Groundhog Report: A Split Decision

Groundhog Day might be one of our favorite holidays, if only because Phil is such a cutie. Look at this picture NBC instagrammed from this year's festivities

Isn't it all so quaint and adorable? The Internet would never let something like Groundhog Day become a tradition now. "Listen to a groundhog? Pfft, no. I'd rather listen to a Gawker commenter," everyone would say. 

Shine on, you beautiful creature. May you determine when we put our mittens away until the end of days, or until you're replaced by the next Punxsutawney Phil. Whichever comes first.