Pundits, Late Night Comics Rip Trump's Bizarre Presser: 'It's Crazy What We're Watching'

President Trump’s presidential press conference Thursday has remained a hot topic among pundits and late night jokesters after the leader of the free world lashed out at the media.

Read: President Trump Blasts Reports of a White House in Disarray While Bashing the Media

Following Trump’s Thursday presser in which he called the media “out of control,” dismissed questions as "not fair" and even asked a black reporter to set up a meeting for him with the Congressional Black Caucus, many pundits took to the airwaves to talk about the president.

CNN’s Jake Tapper called the press conference "wild," and said Trump was "unhinged."

“It was a guy on a couch explaining his problems to his shrink,” Chris Matthews said on his MSNBC show, Hardball.

On CBS, Scott Pelley said Trump showed his “bluster bravado and a few loose facts.”

Shepard Smith, an anchor at the president’s favorite news channel, Fox News, blasted Trump on the air in a blistering tirade.

"It's crazy what we're watching every day," Smith said. "It's absolutely crazy. He keeps repeating ridiculous, throwaway lines that are not true at all and sort of avoiding this issue of Russia as if we're some kind of fools for asking the question. Really? Your opposition was hacked and the Russians were responsible for it and your people were on the phone with Russia on the same day it was happening and we're fools for asking the questions? No sir."

But Trump's supporters had a different take on his Q&A session, praising him for sticking it to reporters.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity said the president gave a “historic beatdown” to the mainstream media.

“This was one of the most effective press conferences I have ever seen,” Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show. “The press is going to hate him even more after this.”

Trump later took to Twitter to thank Limbaugh.

Well after the sun went down, the criticism of Trump continued on the late night talk shows.

On The Late Show, Stephen Colbert took Trump to task over his claim that he "inherited a mess” from Barack Obama.

"No, you inherited a fortune, we elected a mess," Colbert quipped.

On The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon joked: "The only time I remember this much craziness is when Charlie Sheen was on that winning streak.”

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On Comedy Central's The Daily Show, host Trevor Noah said his Thursday night program was supposed to be very different.

“We had a really nice show planned for you,” Noah said. “Very civil, very calm. And then, in the middle of the day, Hurricane Trump happened, again.”

Hours after the press conference, it was announced that Vice Admiral Robert Harward, Trump's pick to replace outgoing National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, had dropped out, due to personal reasons. 

“It’s purely a personal issue,” Harward said in a statement. “I’m in a unique position finally after being in the military for 40 years to enjoy some personal time.”

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