Protect Iowa children from illegal flavored disposable vapes

As a school resource officer in Iowa, I've been on the front lines of the battle against youth vaping. Despite the FDA's commendable 2020 ban on certain flavored vapes, our communities continue to grapple with the alarming prevalence of illegal flavored disposable vapes among our youth.

The FDA's ban on youth-appealing flavored vapes was a step in the right direction, acknowledging the dangers these enticing flavors pose to our young people. However, the agency's failure to enforce the ban effectively has allowed an illicit market to thrive. The crux of the issue lies in the FDA's understaffing, preventing them from policing the flood of illegal products entering our communities.

Compounding the problem is the lack of clear communication between the FDA and retailers. Many vendors remain in the dark about which products are legal or illegal to sell, inadvertently contributing to the proliferation of these dangerous vaping products. We must provide tools that help retailers keep these illegal products off store shelves and help enforcement agencies to keep them out of the hands of children.

Recent findings from the 2023 CDC Youth Tobacco Study reveal a disturbing truth: the two most popular vaping products among our youth are illegal flavored vapes, Elf Bar and Esco Bar, both produced in unregulated factories in China and sold in flavors such as “Orange Pear Nectar” and “Berry Mix.” Our children are being drawn into a dangerous habit, one that could have lifelong consequences on their health.

Illegal, disposable, flavored e-cigarettes remain the top choice of American middle and high school students who use tobacco, fueling youth vaping.
Illegal, disposable, flavored e-cigarettes remain the top choice of American middle and high school students who use tobacco, fueling youth vaping.

Thankfully, the Iowa Legislature is taking steps towards closing these regulatory gaps. House Study Bill 682 and Senate File 2402 would establish a registry of only those vaping products that the FDA allows to be on the market. Any store selling illegal flavored disposable vapes that are not on the directory would face crippling penalties — effectively taking these products off the shelves and out of the hands of Iowa youth. A vaping directory provides the clarity needed for retailers and wholesalers on what vaping products can be legally sold and gives law enforcement the ability to stop the flow of illegal, kid-friendly disposable vaping products that are flooding our schools and stores.

I urge you to have conversations with your children, family, and friends about these illegal flavored vapes to ensure your loved ones know the dangers of these products. Furthermore, contact your legislators and ask them to support Senate File 2402 to keep illegal flavored vapes out of the hands of our youth.

The stakes are high, and the time for action is now. Let’s work together to create a safer, healthier future for our children.

Jamey Fah
Jamey Fah

Jamey Fah is a deputy sheriff with the Scott County Sheriff’s Department and a school resource officer at Pleasant Valley High School. He has been an SRO for the past five years and holds the highest certification for SROs, NASRO Practitioner.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Protect children from illegal flavored disposable vapes