Pro-Palestine protesters disrupt NYC Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in Manhattan was disrupted by pro-Palestine protesters Thursday who glued their hands to the asphalt in a bid to call attention to the ongoing bombing in Gaza.

Multiple protesters jumped the barricades and attempted to block the parade on Sixth Ave. near W. 45th St. about 10 a.m. Some glued their hands to the asphalt.

Floats, marching bands and the parade’s iconic balloons had to navigate around the protesters as cops moved in to make arrests.

Activists clad in white jumpsuits, some emblazoned with the words “Colonialism”, “Militarism”, and “Ethnic Cleansing” poured fake blood on one another and the roadway, videos posted online shows. Others held a banner reading “Liberation for Palestine and planet.”

Another dozen protestors rushed the parade route and unfurled a banner that read “Genocide then genocide now,” and chanted “Free Palestine,” video shared by the group Writers Against the War on Gaza shows.

Cops hauled the protestors off the parade route but police officials could not immediately say how many people were arrested.

Another protest organized by the group Within Our Lifetime swelled to hundreds at Madison Square Park before marching through Manhattan, video shared online showed.

Protesters later marched through Midtown, stopping to chant outside the New York Times building on Eighth Ave. before heading down W. 42nd St. and massing in Times Square.

Mayor Eric Adams, joined by top cop Edward Caban at a Wednesday press conference, said police have been on high alert because of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

“We are not going to tolerate any disruptions. We’re very keen on that,” Adams told outlet amNY at a separate event.

The parade was expected to feature 26 floats and 32 balloons.

Macy’s did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the protests.
