Pro-Palestine Activist’s Shocking Rant in Canada: ‘We Give Them (Jews) Two Minutes, and Then We Start Shooting’

A report by tipped TheBlaze that hatred was on display in Toronto, Canada at Saturday's Al Quds Day rally. Various sources say that hundreds of anti-Israel demonstrators gathered in a city park to hear a speech from Elias Hazineh, the former head of Palestine House (a non-profit organization that calls itself and educational and cultural center).

Canadian Palestinian Leader Hazineh
Canadian Palestinian Leader Hazineh

Image: YouTube

During his brief presentation, Hazineh made several incendiary statements, but the most troubling words came about two minutes into his speech when he issued an ultimatum to Jews regarding Jerusalem, "We have to give them an ultimatum. You have to leave Jerusalem."

Rabbis at Al Quds Rally in Toronto
Rabbis at Al Quds Rally in Toronto

Image: YouTube

Hazineh went on to further clarify his ultimatum by adding a time limit and some serious consequences for not complying:

We say get out or you are dead. We give them two minutes and then we start shooting and that's the only way they'll understand.

The Times of Israel is reporting that Canadian Jews are asking the police to investigate the speech for possible violations of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Here's a brief clip from the speech containing the offensive threat.

We have not posted the video of the entire speech(you can see it here), but will provide and independent transcript that appeared online along with the above video excerpt.

Imam Khomeini reminded us that Jerusalem is ours and will remain forever ours. Free free Palestine. I want also thanks the organizers who are coming on a hot day in the holy month of Ramadan to remind the world that Jerusalem is under occupation.

It's not only under occupation. The face of Jerusalem is being changed in every day inch by inch. They are stealing homes; they are depriving Palestinians of their citizenship and their [unclear word].

Palestinians cannot leave the city for any long period otherwise they will lose their right to live there. Muslims who live in Ramallah 5 km away cannot pray in Jerusalem. People of Palestine cannot pray in Jerusalem.

This is the democracy that they are upholding. They are talking about freedom of religion, yet Muslims who live 5 km away from al-Aqsa Mosque cannot pray there. Christians cannot pray there. Palestinian Christians cannot go into Jerusalem.

This is the democracy that they are preaching. It is indeed shame and it is shame that we have a government in here and all Western governments that do support that kind of democracy, so called democracy that prevent Muslims and prevent Christians from maintaining their right to pray in the holy places of Jerusalem.

This is what we are against. Don't fear the numbers. You represent the world, the world that seek peace, that fight against apartheid. It only started with one. If it was not for Neslon Mandela we will still have apartheid. So, the numbers don't matter.

We have to give them an ultimatum. You have to leave Jerusalem. You have to leave Palestine and the people of Palestine who have been waiting in refugee camps in Lebanon, in Syria, in Egypt and in Jordan must have their right to return to their homes.

We cannot bring people from Russia and from Europe to live in the home that my grandfather built. It's unacceptable. It is not justice. And we will restore justice.

I want to remind you of how police works. When somebody tries to rob a bank the police get in, they don't negotiate and we have been negotiating with them for 65 years.

We say get out or you are dead. We give them two minutes and then we start shooting and that's the only way they'll understand.

I'm reminding the verse from the Koran 'And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war' [verse dealing with the military preparation of Muslims to launch the jihad against the infidels ]. That's the only thing that they'll understand.

Brothers, thank you for coming I know it's Ramadan, Ramadan Mubarak [Blessed Ramadan] and hopefully you'll have 'Id Mubarak' [Happy Id al-Fitr] too. Thank you again until the liberation of Jerusalem.


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