Pro-Obama Super PAC Releases Ohio Ad


American Bridge 21st Century, a pro-Obama super PAC, released an ad on Monday that hurls multiple arrows at Mitt Romney with just more than a week to go until Election Day.

The ad, called “Romnopoly,” hits Romney on a wide range of issues, from the auto bailout to his experience at Bain Capital to his income taxes -- all using the theme of a Monopoly board game. It even takes a shot at the Republican nominee for once putting his family dog on the car roof during a vacation.

“Can’t afford the tax breaks for millionaires?” the ad says. “I guess we’ll just have to mortgage our children’s future. It’s not a game worth playing: Romnopoly.”

The ad is running in the Toledo, Ohio, area, which is critical for the president’s reelection effort, Politico reports.