Principal apologizes for 'gas chamber' comment

In an email to the graduating class’s students and parents, Brunswick High School Principal Christopher Berry apologized for “an unacceptable comment” he made during the final graduation rehearsal Monday, “urging students to smile and not look unhappy by saying they shouldn’t appear as if they were going to the gas chamber.”

“The comment was insensitive and not in line with my values as a principal. I apologized to the graduates immediately, acknowledging the poor taste and unacceptability of my words,” his email said.

When he taught social studies, he sought to raise awareness around the tragedy of the Holocaust and controversy around the death penalty to encourage students to learn history’s lessons, his email said.

“My choice of words was not in keeping with my beliefs, and for that, I am deeply sorry,” he wrote.

Graduate Isleina Mena told The Frederick News-Post there was “a collective gasp” in response to the principal’s remarks at the rehearsal. The principal apologized to each person there, Mena said.

“Mr. Berry’s comment was unacceptable, in poor taste, and not representative of the values that he or we as a school system uphold,” Eric Louérs-Phillips, associate superintendent of public affairs for the school district, told the News-Post in an email Tuesday.

Berry did not address his remarks during Tuesday’s Brunswick High graduation ceremony. He did not immediately respond to a voicemail and emailed request for comment on Tuesday.