'Pretty Woman,' Benedict Cumberbatch, and Romney's Lava Lamp

We respect and value the social media editors who share the links that make our job easier. But sometimes, we have no idea what they are talking about. So after a long day spent staring at Twitter, we're sharing our favorites.

Richard Gere: 'Pretty Woman made Wall Street guys seem dashing, which was wrong' nyp.st/GE6oSm

— Page Six (@PageSix) March 20, 2012

It's a start, but when is he going to denounce The Mothman Prophecies for glamorizing teen mothmen?

Get Ahead With a Mentor Who Scares You s.hbr.org/GzTHa6

— Harvard Biz Review (@HarvardBiz) March 20, 2012

Like a bear or a cheetah. Or maybe some sort of shape-shifter that simultaneously embodies all of your most repressed fears at once and can run incredibly fast.

Banksy did not steal from Crap Hound dlvr.it/1L8PSv

— Boing Boing (@BoingBoing) March 20, 2012

Let's not get in to who did and did not steal things from Crap Hound. And if -- if -- someone did, Crap Hound knows he has reciprocity.

Otters who look like Benedict Cumberbatch--PHOTOS: bit.ly/FPCuJR

— Slate (@Slate) March 20, 2012

Solid across the board, though that third fella seems to have a bit of a Fassbender thing going.

Silk does what?! huff.to/GAZE5v

— HuffPost Money (@huffpostmoney) March 20, 2012

Well, it causes characters to slip off beds in romantic comedies. That's something. Ooh, and it's impossible to get clean if you spill something on it. So silk does a lot of things now that you mention it.

Nine cheap things to do outside bit.ly/GBUpcm

— CSMonitor.com (@csmonitor) March 20, 2012

Unforgivable snubs: untying and retying your shoelaces, bootlegging a movie in the park, stacking bits of gravel in neat piles, pricing -- but not buying -- yellow caution tape, in order to properly gauge the market.

Mitt Romney pulls a classic Romney: "That's a big lava lamp, congratulations." wapo.st/GFp3xc

— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) March 20, 2012

He's a showman, that Romney.