Press & Sun Letters to the Editor: Responses to Marc Molinaro

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Molinaro's issue with the 'elites' is just campaign rhetoric

I began reading Marc Molinaro’s letter in the May 19 edition of the Press & Sun-Bulletin thinking it to be a thoughtful argument against antisemitism. But no, it turned out to be just a campaign letter criticizing his opponent and issuing the usual Republican complaint against “the elites.”

Elites are those with the power and influence to work their will independent of popular opinions. The Republicans craft draconian laws regarding women’s health unsupported by majority opinion, and refuse to even consider modifying laws dealing with the border crisis in order to keep the issue alive for their candidate in the upcoming presidential election.

Marc, you are a leading member of the new elites.

John Crosby


Read more: NY leaders can't stay silent on antisemitism on our campuses — or anywhere

Molinaro's editorial is hypocritical pandering

I read Marc Molinaro’s editorial chastising leaders who, according to him, are keeping quiet in response to antisemitic rhetoric expressed in many university campuses and elsewhere. I wholeheartedly agree that no one should condone antisemitic, anti-Muslim or anti-any-religion remarks. I want to make a strong statement, and I am sure the majority of you will concur, that criticizing corrupt right-wing extremist Netanyahu doesn’t make you an antisemite.

Just to focus on the bigotry and double standards of Molinaro and similar acolytes of Trump. When Trump engaged in making numerous repugnant racist remarks − why did all the Trump supporters keep quiet when he called Mexicans rapists, was suggesting to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., called African countries "(expletive)-hole" countries, wanted to investigate the veracity of Obama's birth certificate, and the comments about "there were very fine people" on both sides, after a white supremacist march in Charlottesville. This list is only probably a minute fraction of all the egregious comments he has made and continues to make even now despite the gag orders imposed.

The contents of Molinaro's editorial is clearly an example of pandering to the Jewish electorate to help with his reelection campaign.

Haridas K. Varma


This article originally appeared on Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Responses to Marc Molinaro in this week's Press & Sun Letters