President's Message: Staging your home can make buyers fall in love

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If you’re considering holding an open house, your realtor will have an honest conversation with you about any concerns, including whether doing so would contradict current government recommendations or mandates. If you and your realtor mutually agree to an open house after discussing these issues, your agent will discuss necessary precautions to minimize exposure to and the spread of COVID-19.

Staging entails hiring experts with a flair for interior design. They reimagine your living space and give your house a makeover (with temporary decor and furnishings) so that it gets “oohs” and “aahs” from the buying masses. Great staging isn’t an insurance policy, and there’s no guarantee it will bring in more money when you sell your home. However, it is an important marketing tool. It presents your house in a flattering light and helps you compete at a favorable price. Staging also leads to eye-catching listing photos, which are especially valuable given that most homebuyers begin their search by scrolling through listings online.

If you are thinking about hiring a stager for your home, know that staging does help. A recent survey from the National Association of Realtors revealed 77% of buyers’ agents said staging makes it easier for their buyer to visualize the property as their future home. It’s like helping the buyer dream it so they can achieve it, so you and your agent can make the sale. Thirty-nine percent of sellers’ agents said staging a home greatly decreases the amount of time a house is on the market. For you, time saved could mean moving into your new house even sooner. Twenty-one percent of sellers’ agents said staging a home increases its dollar value between 6% and 10%. Simply put, that may lead to more money in your pocket.

Many listing agents offer staging services to clients. If you want to pick someone yourself, you typically will have to pay out of pocket. Staging costs vary depending on where you live and how many rooms you’re staging. Home sellers can expect to pay $500 to $2,000. If your house is empty because you’ve already moved, you might also have additional expenses for renting furniture. Many stagers offer consultations for $200 to $300. If you're on a tight budget, your best option may be using the advice you learn during the consultation to try DIY staging. Listen for tips on using the furniture and decor you already have to show off your home’s best assets.

Keep in mind staging can be conducted virtually. Ask your Realtor for recommendations if you don't know of any virtual stagers. These stagers offer video consultations to advise while you execute the changes. They also might digitally modify images, which must be fully disclosed to buyers. So, what can you do to get started? First, declutter and clean your home. No buyer wants to walk into a messy house. Also, removing personal items from view, such as copious family photos, artwork or religious keepsakes. The concern is not that home buyers will be offended by you or your lifestyle. Instead, the goal is to neutralize the space and help home buyers imagine living there. (But don’t go overboard. You don’t want rooms to feel sterile, either.)

How do you find the right stager? If your Realtor doesn’t offer staging services, they can likely recommend local stagers for you to work with. Before you hire, it’s best to interview at least three candidates in person. You’ll want to know how much they charge and whether they have good taste. To do your due diligence, here are 10 questions to ask prospective stagers:

• On average, how many days were your staged homes on the market last year?

• What price range do you typically work in?

• What styles of homes do you usually stage?

• What formal training have you received?

• Do you have insurance?

• Can I see your portfolio?

• Do you select the accessories, furniture, and paint for the homes you stage, or do you collaborate with other experts?

• What are your rates?

• What’s your availability?

• Can you provide contacts for past clients?

You don’t have to stage your whole house to make buyers swoon. Focus on the rooms that matter the most, where people tend to spend the most time.

Start with the living room, followed by the master bedroom and the kitchen. Keep in mind that you’re not going for an HGTV-worthy overhaul. Even small touches, like putting fluffy towels in the bathroom or replacing shabby throw pillows in the family room, can make your home that much more attractive.

Don’t forget the outside of your home. Cleaning and sprucing up the exterior is important. After all, buyers form their first impression when they pull up in front of your home. It’s no surprise that curb appeal and how your home looks from the exterior can increase its sales value.

What are some things you can do to clean and spruce up the exterior of your home? First, wash the front windows. Next, power wash siding and walkways. Repaint or stain porches and stairs, as needed. Make sure house numbers are easy to see, visible and pretty.

Finally, make sure important outdoor features such as the front door, porch, sidewalks, and paths are well lit. (If not, install new fixtures or lighting.) Even basic upgrades, like laying fresh mulch, changing porch lights, or installing a new mailbox, can help a buyer fall in love at first sight.

Marlin Palich is president of Stark Trumbull Area Realtors, which serves Stark, Carroll and Trumbull counties. Visit for a complete listing of Realtors and affiliate members. If you have any questions or comments on this article, contact Cosgrove at

Marlin Palich
Marlin Palich

This article originally appeared on The Repository: President's Message: Staging your home can make buyers fall in love