Which Presidential Candidate Has a Liberal Arts Degree, and Talked Up Going to Grad School?

Ever since student loan debt became a serious crisis in America, there have been a lot of things blamed for the proliferation of students who can’t seem to find work. One persistent talking point is that many of these students have been long on education and short on skills, and should have majored in practical fields like Business, rather than in Philosophy, History, or God forbid, English. In fact, English degrees have been the poster child of useless education since before the recession even began, with the popular Broadway musical Avenue Q lampooning them in song:

Well, all those people who have talked down liberal arts degrees may be in for a surprise – turns out majoring in English doesn’t always turn you into a ponytailed Occupier. Sometimes you become…Mitt Romney?! The Atlantic Wire brings this shocking detail to light:

But chin up, impractical majors: Mitt Romney is one of you. At an event at Otterbein University in Ohio Friday, the fabulously wealthy and obnoxiously well-adjusted Republican presidential nominee admitted he was an English major. He even revealed a little of the pompous English major inside, billing the event as a “guest lecture,” instead of an unpretentious campaign speech. Further, Romney told the college kids, ”as an English major I can say this, as an English major your options are you better go to grad school,” Politico’s Ginger Gibson reports.

Romney got dual grad degrees in business and law from Harvard, and his powerful political family ensured he’d never be without a job. (Ann Romney has complained that during the grad school years, all they had for income was “chipping away at stock.”) Nevertheless, English majors nationwide can take the presidential candidate’s remarks to their parents to justify that MFA.

That’s right. Mitt Romney, the supposed uber-practical businessman who Democrats attack for being a predatory monster completely obsessed with the bottom line, was an English major, went to two different grad schools, and somehow still managed to become one of the most famously successful men in America, to the point that he’s now running for President.

Of course, it’s possible President Obama majored in something perceived as equally useless, but given that his college transcripts haven’t surfaced, we don’t really know.